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M F n O W D U M FOR:
C d r 198th PSC Comp C APO 09281 ? I ~ d 1'98th PSC C O + ~ TUI APO 0 9 5 4 r ' .Cdr 26lst. PSC k?b-@9176 Cdr .569th PSC Cpmp Tm. APO 09035


-Army ~uperioiir---Unit Award

td 1. The 'awaid o f The Army Superior ~ n i t - ~ w a r o the 56th Fiell Artillery Comand ( P e r s f i i n g ) . and i t s assigned. end subordinate units,was announced by DA General Orders Number 9, dated 1 April 1987. The DACO is baing amended to reflect a revised award period of 1 November 1983 to 31 December 1986.

2 . Soldiers are eligible f o r permanent wear of t h e Amy Superior Unit Award Emblem if they were assigned t o any of the following units f o r at lzast pne day of'the period indicated by each:

H H B . 5 6 t h FA Bde (Pirshing) HHB 5 6 t h FA Cmd* ( P e r s h i n g ) 1st Bq, 4 1 s t FA i s t Bn, S i ' s t PA 3d Bn, 8 4 t h FA 1st Bn, .9th FA

Zd Bn, 9 t h F A 4 t h Bn, 9th F A 2d Bn, 4 t h Inf 3 8 t h Sig 8n 55th Maint Bn 55th Spt Bn
during the above periods.

1 Nov 83 1 7 ' h n 8.6 l.Nov 83 1 Nov 83 1 Nav 83 17 Jan 86 17 Jan 86 17 San 86 1 Nov 8 3 17 Jan 86 1 Ncv 83 17 Jan 86

16 .Jan 86 31 Dee. 8 6 16 Jan. 8 6 16 Jan 86 16 Jan 86 3 1 Dec 86 31 Dec 8 6 31 Dec 86 31 ~ e 8 6 c 31 Pac 89 16 Jan 8 6 3 1 Pee 86

T h e r e do not appear t o be any eligible s o l d i e r s who were merely a t t a c h e d

3 . Please review a l l personnel records you maintain, and p o s t the appropriate entry'to DA Form 2-1 (Enlisted Personnel) or ORB (Officers) for every soldier e l i g i b l e f o r pecmenent.wear of the emblem.


m, USA
~ s ~ i s t a nAdjutant General t

1April 1987
Staff SergeantSergio R. Conwlee,Army of Chile, 6 January 1985 to 30 June 1986. Captain Jurgen G. Hechtel, Army of the Federal Republic of Gemany, 1 April 1980to 3 March 1986. 1 Colonel Maxo A. Ponce, Republic of Honduras Army, 14 September 1984 to 1 September 1986. 6 Colonel Joyme Dos Slrntos T&i, Army of Brazil, 2 July 1984 to 30 June

ColonelHam A. Freiherr Von Falkenhauaen, Army of the Federal Republic of Gennany, 28 Febmay 1984 to 21 February 1986. Sergeant Major Ham-UIrich Wohlfeil, Army of the Federal Republic of Germany,3 March 1980t 81 May 1985. o Lieutenant Colonel ~ a r t m uZehrer, Army of the Federal Republic of Gert many, 1 October 1984 to 1 September 1986. V-ARMY ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL.By direction of the Secretary of the Army, under the provisim of AR 672-6-1, paragraph 2-22, the A r m y Achievement Medal for meritoriousd c e is awarded to: Second Lieutennnt Marrco A. Loperz, Republic of Hondurae Army, 26 June 1986 to 27 September 1986. Second Lieutenant RafoeI Mebm Rivera, El Salvadoran Army, 20 January 1986to 27 June 1 8 . 96 k t Lieutenant Educrrdo E. Mendazn Momles, El Salvadoran Army, 4 June 1986 to 14lhember 1986. VI-ARMY SUPERIOR UNIT AWARD. By direction of the Secretary of the Army, undw the provisi0~1~AR 672-6- 1 paragraph 9-28.1, the Army of , Suparior Unit Award ie awarded to the fobwing unit of the Armed Forcea of the U i e Statee for meritmiow emice in connection with difficult and challenging ntd mieaione during peacetime: Area, 18 September United Natione Ctmuuu~d Support GroupJoint 1984 to 26 November 1984. . U i e &tea Army Communications-El-nica btallation Battalion, 1 ntd July 1985to 30June 1986. U&ed S a e Army Dental Activity, Panama, 1 May 1984 to 28 Febntary tta 1986. U i e Statss Army Medical Department Activity, Fort Lee, Virginia,16 Feb ntd wry 1986 to 13September 1986. U i e Stataa Army Memorial Affair8 Activity, b p e , 23 October 1983 to ntd 10November 1983. Unitad States . A m y M t i n g Battalion, Portland, 1October 1984 t 30 o
Sqteder 1986.

let Battalion, 8d Infantry,1 % 1984 to 1February 1985. Irt Military P h Company, let Infantry Division (hbddd), 27 Decamber 1984 to 22 March 1986. 8d B a t t a h , 319th Field Artillery, l l t Ak.boane D i d o n (Air h u l t ) , 20 Or Auguet 1983 to 1December 1983.

3d Ordmnce Battalion of the 69th Ordnance Brigade, June 1983through December 1986. 4th Battalion (CHAPP-AN), let Air Defenae Artillery, 11th Air Defenae Artillery Brigade, 2 October 1984 to 19July 1985. 16th Air Traffic Control Battalion (Corpa),7th Signal Command, 1April 1984 to 1July 1986. 22 Aviation Detachment,September 1983through November 1986. 66th Field Artillery Brigade @ERSHING), November 1983 to Deamtmr 19%. 66th h p o r t a t i o n Company, 3 June 1983to 5 March 1986. 205th Aviation Company, 4th Tramportation Command, 26 June 1986 to 1 November 1985. 296th Military Police Company (Physical Security), Seneca Army Depot, 8 April 1983through 13December 1983. Combat Support Company, let Battalion (Airborne), 508th Infantry,82d Airborne Divieim, 24 January 1985 to 22 July 1985. Company C, 84th Engineer Battalion, 45th General Support Group, 6 Auguet 1985to 27 &ptember 1986. Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Senem Army D p t 8 April 1983 eo, to 13December 1983. MI-LEGION OF MERIT So ~ u c of Section 11, Paragraph 2, Department h of the Army General O r d 8 ~ 8 Number 24,1986, aa pertaina to award of the Legion of Merit (Degreeof Officer) to Lieutenant General b u l Pierre Bm&che, French Amy, as reads: "18 June 1982 to 30 May 1985," ie amended to read: "18 June 1982 to 18October 1986."

3y Order of the Secretary of the Army:

J . A. WICKHAM, JR. 0m Geneml,United States Army Chief of Staff

?rigodierGcncd, United States Army

TheAa[iutunt Geneml

Active Anny, USAR, ARNG: To be dietributed in accordance with 1APC-POS-A S j d d list dated 20 April 1981.

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