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These are the Math links for Glencoe:

1. 6th Grade Course 1

ISBN: 0078296315 Online Student Textbook php/mo/2004 Math 6th grade - Course 1 Copyright Date: 2004 User name: MAC104 Password: STaspEDUw2


7th Grade Course 2

ISBN: 0078296331 Online Student Textbook php/mo/2004 Math 7th grade Course 2 Copyright Date: 2004 User name: MAC204 Password: traD5U8uP3


8th Grade Course 3

ISBN: 0078296358 Online Student Textbook .php/mo/2004 Math 8th grade Course 3 Copyright Date: 2004 User name: MAC304 Password: C6enesujak

4. 8th Grade Pre-Algebra

ISBN: 0078651085 Online Student Textbook /mo 8th grade - Pre-Algebra Copyright Date: 2005 User name: PREALG05 Password: ph5Ves7a

These are the FACS links for Glencoe:

ISBN: 9780078883583 Online Student Textbook tion.html Applying Living Skills Copy right Date: 2010 Family and Consumer Science
Access code: F3669AE7A4

These are the Social Studies links for Glencoe:

1. 6th Grade World History Journey Across Time
ISBN: 0078241332 Online Student Textbook ion.html Social Studies 6th grade World History Copyright Date: 2005 User name: JAT2005 Password: 8hu5rust

2. 7th Grade Civics Today

ISBN: 0078609704 Online Student Textbook ion.html Social Studies 7th grade Civics Copyright Date: 2005 User name: CT2005 Password: 45rutapr

3. 8th

Grade American Republic to 1877

ISBN: 0078609836 Online Student Textbook ion.html Social Studies 8th grade American Republic to 1877 Copyright Date: 2005 User name: TAR2005 Password: bek6cabr

These are the Science links for Holt Rinehart Winston :

1. 6th Grade Earth Science
ISBN: 0030462274 Online Student Textbook Science 6th grade Earth Copyright Date: 2007 User name: sgrade36 Password: d6z6v

2. 7th Grade Life Science

ISBN: 003046224X Online Student Textbook Science 7th grade Life Copyright Date: 2007 User name: sgrade37 Password: p7t9n

3. 8th

Grade Physical Science

ISBN: 0030462282 Online Student Textbook Science 8th grade Physical Copyright Date: 2007 User name: egrade20 Password: w2a3n

Additional Resources:

SciLinks boxes in your textbook take you to resources that you can use of science projects, reports, and research papers.

This Web service, developed and maintained by the National Science Teachers Association, contains a large collection of prescreened links that include current information and activities directly related to chapter topics. username: SpokaneMiddleSchool password: spokanems1

Mrs. Phelans class website

These are the Reading links - Elements of Literature for Holt Rinehart Winston :
1. 6th Grade Elements of Literature Introductory Course
1997 Not available on line This is an updated version 2007 pages may not be identical
ISBN Teacher Edition: 0030795125 Online Student Textbook Reading 6th grade Introductory Course Copyright Date: 2007 User name: sgrade36 Password: d6z6v

2. 7th Grade Elements of Literature First Course

1997 Not available on line This is an updated version 2009- pages may not be identical
ISBN Teacher Edition: 055400996x Online Student Textbook Reading 7th grade First Course Copyright Date: 2009 User name: sgrade37 Password: p7t9n

3. 8th Grade - Elements of Literature Second Course

ISBN Student Edition: 0030424135 ISBN Teacher Edition: 0030975141 Online Student Textbook Reading 8th grade Second Course Copyright Date: 2007

User name: egrade20 Password: w2a3n

These are the English links - Elements of Language for Holt Rinehart Winston :
1. 6th Grade Elements of Language Introductory Course
ISBN Teacher Edition: 0030796865 Online Student Textbook English 6th grade Introductory Course Copyright Date: 2007 User name: sgrade36 Password: d6z6v

2. 7th Grade Elements of Language First Course

ISBN Teacher Edition: 0030796873 Online Student Textbook English 7th grade First Course Copyright Date: 2007 User name: sgrade37 Password: p7t9n

These are the Health links for Glencoe:

2. 6th Grade Course 1
ISBN Student Edition: 0078774055 Online Student Textbook Health 6th grade - Course 1 Copyright Date: 2009 Access Code: D9D7462054


7th Grade Course 2

ISBN Student Edition: 007877425x Online Student Textbook Health 7th grade Course 2 Copyright Date: 2009 Access Code: B66EB7258D


8th Grade Course 3

ISBN Student: 0078774497 Online Student Textbook Health 8th grade Course 3 Copyright Date: 2009 Access Code: AB7DB711CD

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