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2011 Reading Material: Academic: 1.

The Boundaries of Citizenship: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in the Liberal State: Jeff Spinner (January 17, 2011) 2. Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women: Susan Moller Okin (February 13, 2011) 3. The Audacity of Hope: Barack Obama (February 21, 2011) 4. Are Prisons Obsolete? : Angela Davis (February 28, 2011) 5. Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism: Cornell West (March 7, 2011) 6. The Imperative of Integration: Elizabeth Anderson (March 10, 2011) 7. Double Standard: Social Policy in Europe and the United States: James Russell (April 7, 2011) 8. Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy: Joseph E. Stiglitz (April 25, 2011) Fiction: 1. Flowers for Algernon: Daniel Keyes (January 16, 2011) 2. Juneteenth: Ralph Ellison (March 10, 2011) 3. The Story of B: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit: Daniel Quinn (March 20, 2011) 4. Travels in the Scriptorium: Paul Auster (March 29, 2011) 5. Masters of Atlantis: Charles Portis (May 16, 2011) 6. The Corrections: Jonathan Franzen (May 31, 2011) 7. A Good School: Richard Yates (June 16, 2011) 8. Steppenwolf: Herman Hesse (June 25, 2011) 9. The Journey to the East: Herman Hesse (July 10, 2011) 10. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest: Ken Kesey (July 20, 2011) 11. Strong Motion: Jonathan Franzen (August 4, 2011) Non-Fiction: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How To Be Alone: Essays: Jonathan Franzen (January 26, 2011) The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book: Don Miguel Ruiz (May 3, 2011) When You are Engulfed in Flames: David Sedaris (May 9, 2011) Moonwalking with Einstein: Joshua Foer (June 13, 2011) Ghost Train to the Eastern Star: Paul Theroux (July 8, 2011)

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