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YPN: uiowing Youi Business Sept - -

Who has been a buslness menLor Lo you? Why?
A costomet ls tbe most lmpottoot vlsltot oo oot ptemlses be ls oot JepeoJeot oo os we ote JepeoJeot
oo blm ne ls oot oo lotettoptloo lo oot wotk ne ls tbe potpose of lt ne ls oot oo ootslJet lo oot bosloess
ne ls pott of lt we ote oot Joloq blm o fovoot by setvloq blm ne ls Joloq os o fovoot by qlvloq os oo
oppottoolty to Jo so
MahaLma Candhl
What are your c|rc|es of |nf|uence?

SporL 8ellglon
revlous [ob lamlly
School Pobbles

now do you separate yourse|f from the pack?

Work experlence AccredlLaLlon
nlche markeL SpeclallzaLlon
Clmmlck rlce

Where do you |nvest money |n your bus|ness? Why?
rlnL ads Cnllne ads
Coffee meeLlngs Semlnar
Lead purchaslng
If someone were to g|ve you 51000 to |nvest |n your bus|ness |nterest free for a year what wou|d you
do or where wou|d you a||ocate the funds?

now do you track your keturn Cn Investment (kCI)?
SpreadsheeL Cnllne meLrlcs

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