At 120 Service

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eAICOM SERVICE MANUAL T-120 HF AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER ICOM INCORPORATED FOREWORD The AT-120 HF AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER was developed using both current commercial communications technology and ICOM's own advanced, state-of-the-art computer technology. It was designed primarily to be used with the IC-M700 series HF SSB TRANSCEIVERS. ASSISTANCE Two separate versions of the AT-120 have been designed for use in the GENERAL and FRANCE: the AT-120 and AT-120E, respectively. The AT-120E is designed for use with the IC-M700/F HF SSB TRANSCEIVER and it has a separated emagenoy tuner. This service manual covers both versions. When using the manual the models can be referred to by the followit version numbers: 7-120 (GENERAL version) \T-120E (FRANCE version) “AT-120” refers to both AT-120 and AT-120E in the text unless a note is used to specifically describe a feature of the AT-120E (#02). If you require assistance or information regarding the operation and capabilities of these automatic antenna tuners, please contact your nearest authorized ICOM Dealer or ICOM Service Center. secTION secrion ‘secT10n secrion seeTion TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘SPECIFICATIONS. ‘Lock oiAaRAM {SETING FOR MANUAL UND (2, crncurr pescniPTiON Forwaro ro) POWER GCTEGTOR IRCUT. MAINTENANCE ANO ADJUSTMENT {VOLTAGE DINORAMS. anuAL Un 2) [PARTS LOCATION ANO PARTS LST. Deve saison aceon, Aisne pe yh MT Sen io) WSDLn Ls} TOP VIEW RF OUTPUT TERMINAL TUNER UNIT: ConrROL caste TERMINALS Logic ciRcuIT St (PRESET SWITCH) 1 (®F INPUT TERMINALISO-229) ATTENUATOR CIRCUIT LED UNIT ct (CPUPOEOCSEO) DETECTOR CIRCUITS IRCUT IMPEDANCE DETECTOR PHASE DETECTOR oz (EPROM ILPO2716) SWR DETECTOR MOUNTING BRAGKET MANUAL UNIT (2202) SIDE VIEW WATER DRAIN SCREW: COAXIAL CABLE RETAINER GROMMET GROUND TERMINAL. WATER DRAIN SCREW $ CONTROL CABLE RETAINER GROMMET SECTION 4 INSTALLATION 4-1 UNPACKING Carefully remove your tuner from the packing carton and examine it for signs of shipping damage. Notify the delivering carrier or dealer immediately, stating full details, should any damage be apparent. We recom: mend you keep the shipping carton for storing, moving oF reshipping the tuner it necessary. Accessory hard: ware, cables, etc. are packed with the tuner. Make sure you have removed all equipment and parts before discarding the packing carton. 1) Uclamps. 2 U-clamp plates. 2) Installation nuts (M6) 4 Spring washers (MO). ' Flat washers (MB) © Flat washers (M6, large size). 7 Installation screws (self-tapping) ® Installation screws (nex head) 3) Weatherproof cap. 19 Plastic grommets (attached to cable retainer) 1) Four-pin plastic connector. 12 Connector pins.. 42 PLANNING Select a location for the AT-120 where it will not be disturbed. Avoid long cable runs to the antenna and power source. Also, Keep the cables as far from elec: trical pumps and othor electrical apparatus as possible. In particular, do not run the cables near magnetic compasses or electronic instruments. 4-3 TUNER INSTALLATION 43-4 INSTALLATION RECOMMENDATIONS (1) Install the AT-120 on the deck or in the cabin near the antenna element base as shown in the figure. Try to install the tuner as close to an electrical ground as possible. mor raat) Fig. 4 @ Attach the AT-120 either horizontally or vertically with one of the water drain screws down ward. ‘See page 2-1 for location of water drain screws. (3) Remove the downward.-facing drain screw to provide ‘an escape path for trapped moisture. 4- (4) Clamp the coaxial cable between the tuner and your transceiver to the antenna mast to prevent the ‘wight of the cable from pulling on the AT-120. (6) The antenna element length should be more than 7 meters (23 feet) to achlove full performance from the IC-MTOQ/AT-120 system. Certain lengths should be avoided since they are difficult for the system to tune. Final SWR, in these cases, may be too high {or efficient operation and tuning may take longer. Note the formula below: LL: Element length to be avoided . 300 x1 integer | (meters) =-Gperating frequency MHZ) * 2 *(1, 2...) (Example) Operating frequency: 2.182MHz (2182kHz2) 49:2 INSTALLATION Taree kinds of Installation are available for any type of ship. * Installation by U-clamps ‘Installation by selt-tapping screws + Installation by hex head screws (0 Yt he 42010 sss i puna lore Shenptng io moun pemaney ‘render tachi homecare oe eS (2 nso nd oft cone mug he oe ac nd nae supa wh he (2 hoc of te a stownn he tupe i rae age, (Sole oi hpi cnt ach wena ne ‘be nt wih the base great ae (9 nat oda uaa ‘ota a eo ea +0 [Fomensoonce meTjaay. 436 ono sestew opts LV nh 2 2 pve 05 so [SaRTNFUT START ‘Seen ai 2 Puasa puy te 8025 fan on re TUNER 1 Cont ate con pact mae gos sth te boy and oer wtgh nn ois 2 = omsaeg wenn | CO | be ‘tom oer natal oct WoTE2: Lay ot the wie Rooney aod a rig an pent, 4-0-7 CABLE CONNECTIONS (1) Connect the control cable to the ANTENNA TUNER. CONNECTOR on the rear panel of the IC-M700 as shown in the figure. (2) Connect the antenna coaxial cable to the ANTENNA CONNECTOR, (G) Route the cables as planned earlier. (4) The antenna element or wire from the RF output terminal on the transceiver must be insulated from other metal objects. (6) The IC-M700 provides the necessary connector to output oF input control signals to an automatic antenna tuner. Internal switches select the control ‘signal levels; theretore, most oxisting antenna tuners may be used. ithesubio LEAD WWE) ‘nine Pant ‘Fen a5os GROUND, eNaINe BLOCK, ETC Fig. 10 {CONNECT THE TRANSCEIVER AND ANTENNA TUNER SECTION 5 — PRE-OPERATIONS 5-1 SETTING FOR PRESET TUNING WARNING: Before setting PRESET TUNING, con- ___-nect and ground the AT-120 and IC-M700 ‘to an antenna to prevent electrical ac- _cidents. : (1) Connect the SWR moter between the IC-M700 and AT-120 as shown In Fig. 1. [Linen — (@) Be sure the $1 PRESET SWITCH on the AT-120 is set in the [NORMAL] position. (8) Set the IC-M700 to your most used channel. (4) Push the TUNE SWITCH of the IC-M700 to tune the AT-120. Bo sure the SWR reading is less than 1:20, (6) Make a note of which LED lights up on the AT-120. (6) Set S1 on the AT-120 to the [PRESET] position. 7) Set $2, $3 and $4 at the same location where the 5-2 SETTING FOR MANUAL TUNING (:402) MANUAL TUNING operates when the GROUP SWITCH on the IC-M700IF is set in the [2182] position. WARNING: Before setting MANUAL TUNING, con- nect and ground the AT-120E and IC-M700/F to an antenna to. prevent electrical accidents. (1) Gonnect the SWR METER between IC-M700/F and AT-120E as shown in Fig. 4 (@) Set the GROUP SWITCH on the IC-M700IF to the [2182] position. (@) Remove the wire from J9 and tape the ends of the wire, LED lights up. $2: L1~L5 $3: L6~L10 Fla 3 Sanci~o8, CAUTION: DONOT short the wire by letting it touch - other parts of the AT-120E. This wire E 8a 18.6 power source from the ue. ICM7007F. | (be [| (4) Unplug J2 and rotate C8 counterclockwise at least 3 full turn, Oo a Sy CAUTION: Damage to the AT-120E could occur Konia. [ 5 if the GROUP SWITCH on the ie iB IOM700/F is not set in the [2182] | position. Set the GROUP SWITCH E in the 2182 position. | Fig. 2 (See the SWR moter and ground J11 below 5 seconds to transmit 10W of checking power. (@) After the above settings are complete, set $1 to the [NORMAL] position. ‘CAUTION: To avoid damage to the IGM70OIF, do ot transmit more than 5 seconds on each check transmission, (6) Adjust as follows to obtain a minimum SWR reading with a check transmission: © Arrange the configuration of J2 into any of the combinations below (See Fig. 5). 2 coop Fig. 4 © Connect PS (red wire) to any of pins J7 through 22. 2 rr Fig. 5 @ Adjust 63. @ Readjust steps 1 and 3 until the SWR reading is loss than 1:1.5. (7) After obtaining the minimum SWR reading, recon: rect the wire 10 J9. PRESET SWITCH (S1) PRESET + Tho AT-120 does not operate AUTOMATIC TUN- v ING. This setting must be used when setting PRESET TUNING. ° NORMAL (201) : The AT-120 operates AUTOMATIC TUNING and — PRESET TUNING. oO (02) : The AT-120E operates AUTOMATIC TUNING, iL MANUAL TUNING and PRESET TUNING. vesee.¢ [o] [GDM oFF : The AT20 operates AUTOMATIC TUNING aoa only. —_—_— OPERATIONS {62 FORWARD (FWD) POWER DETECTOR 1w'belnanod ty te mmanr newt 4 SWR DETECTOR CRCUT 64 PHASE DETECTOR cincUTT 65 IMPEDANCE DETECTOR ciRCUTT ttiereyrcets te ststors wean at ei com ‘Crate hn eon ten {he TUNER unt an a relrece. He Impmaunce of the aerate oa hina 0 oles ‘Suge by Bw and 1 han the pecans ‘he OP5 voltae e HCH He atu gene ‘Bene scan. he pose Nha 68 Loaic cincurr Cs, the ou, canoe th ania mathng et ox ech remy “SV twp oceans “rane arom tod Onion RM C2 Yh rng oan i. STA on a tat an soapstone sacon ‘tao in con it gt ects irre feds the CPO tee Sr {Ex "Ih cna n pa othe eapctar (67 LeD cincurT wD UN he LEO apy the mtu of the Yay, A LED "Sts coeerts tuo apt tio t (68 ANTENNA CURRENT DETECTOR {CIRCUIT (MANUAL UNIT: 02) cet 7-2 ANTENNA TUNER ADJUSTMENT INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED ‘CONNECTIONS (1) TRANSCEIVER, 7 REFER TO PAGETA Gonnect a DG voltmeter to CP11. ‘Connect a 0G voltmeter to CP12 Connect a 0c. voltmeter to GPT. Trotrace Jic® ‘SCLC TGMTO0 For AT-120) ifeagaes i 4 SIGMON (For AT 1208) |) eauuareo |“ “eoninoccasie” | | seore | Somer voAai Toor, crs ooomonen LEE [-eummome i) ] S FREQUENCY RANGE : 00~20MH2 \ roa = CREAGURING ANGE = 00)—10¥ ' rranscenen | | 8S crea 0c VoLTMeTER i rame9 1 | Abas 3 1 | ers MEASURING RANGE : 001~10¥ i gewmooy ] | [At araeenianie L -4 Bagge ort ors MEASUREMENT ADJUSTMENT | ADJUSTMENT CONDITIONS vatue unit | aouust unit | Location Puase | 4 |» Si: PRESET TUNER | Connast an 3V (Tum ABB just [TUNER] ABB Berecron | ' | S08: OFF Ssclloscepe to | before rons) eiacun Connect 19 to J16 with = jumper cre wo ut the terminal of R134 Connect CPt? tothe ground {earnal witha umpor wir. STRANSCEIVER Display ton. 2M Output power: 10 ‘fransmi mode IMPEDANCE | 2 | Same as above Connect an 8¥ (Turn G76 just cre berecron sclloscope to |Betore drops) incur ois FORWARD | 3 | Same as above Connect 8 0G [Lesa than 48 Venty SerecroR voltmeter to Ge circu after adjustment, reconnect t NOTE: After adjustment, ramove the jumper wires trom J13, J15, OP17 and the ground terminal, Portion of R131 cut in step 1 and set S1 to [NORMAL] position ADJUSTMENT AND MEASUREMENT PARTS LOCATION PRESET sifriorinat| oFe ome. Impegance Detect Grol — Foroarg Datestor eircut Check Port ww Auta SEE forms Ott tat Greun ences Ponts ‘Eb 1d— Phase Detector PIS) Cres Shek Point Lenpecance Detector iret Chack Point Tit «© TUNER UNIT 7 202) “ bahahrh chokes) * LED UNIT 9-2 MANUAL UNIT (#02) 102 PARTS UST (as ARTS) {0 ARTS) = aoe i (TUNER UNIT ‘ruNeR uN is foro (TUNER uN tronen unr tmunen uxin runen unin (TUNER UNIT} Tern | BesCRTON PART. She | Beowac” SO" By for gor ay OF i eggereg’ runeR uN (muner unt (ruven uv (eo unm iessonnn Istana unre cee ratanuaL unr 09 @AICOM ICOM INCORPORATED Prone 06) 798530) (0 9018 ICOM AMERICA, NC. Icom (EUROPE) Grek, Belem, Wa se Solouswet Phone: ase ‘West Goran ‘ier - £50150010 00M AMER BVUE Promos thie? Fae" (2) aoe 00 ‘opr | 4150082 (COM D ining 5085 ICOM AUSTRALIA, PTY, 7. Phone: (2) 207695 7 baka Stet, Wecror 38, Fax”: a) 307423 “Voters acs Powe) 5282 1777 Bees Patina, Suto 201 Tou 7305221 ICOMAS anton sae Fat slopes Pane: {9945100 ICOM CANADA, LTD, BLES ge Unk orate Canada Phones ta) arareoo Fae (es) ars 000

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