Script For French Lessons

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Script for French Lessons: A Memoir by A. Kaplan 1.

Ask 2-3 volunteers to read the first sentence around the room. Next, ask the students to do a FFW after the following prompt: How do the multiple cultures we all inhabit (national, regional, religious, and those based on racial groups, gender, and sexual identity) help define or name you? (5 minutes) 2. Read the first column of the piece aloud line by line around the room up until sacred language. (5 minutes) 3. Ask the students to read through the entire piece on their own and underline words, phrases, and passages that stand out to them. (10 minutes) 4. Have the students go around the room and read ONE of the words, phrases, or sentences that they underlined. (5 minutes) 5. Next, ask them to pick one thing that they underlined and write a few sentences of their own that starts I hear her saying OR have them write their first thoughts on their chosen phrase or passage. (5 minutes) 6. Ask for volunteers to share a few of these. (5 minutes) 7. Ask them to do one last FFW about a time that they felt like the languages they speak didnt provide a vocabulary to express a thought, feeling, or sentiment. Maybe consider how you managed to express yourself if you were able. (5 minutes) 8. SHARE this FFW around the room (5-10 minutes) 9. Process Piece: How did (or did not) this piece help you think about language, identity, or communication differently? (5 minutes)

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