Alden W&T Planetarium

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Writing and Thinking 2011 Jenna Feltey Alden Exercise for Adrienne Richs Planetarium (women and monsters)

Start with read-around of poem, with one student reading each line. Then pick one student to read the entire thing. 5 min Split the class in half (invisibly). Half of class will write a FFW in response (or should we say story?) to the first line, A woman in the shape of a monster The other half of the class will write a FFW in response to a monster in the shape of a woman 5 min Then pair up students: A monster writer with a woman writer. Have them read their writing to each other. After they read their writing to each other once, give this instruction: 10 min Read your writing to each other again. Your job is to listen carefully and then write an FFW in which you pick up where your partner left off. (So the monster writers are continuing the woman FFWs, and the woman writers are continuing the monster FFWs.) Give them 5 minutes to write continuations of each others pieces, then share with each other again. 5 min End with asking them to write process pieces about the experience. 5 min Ask for volunteers to share each stage of their writing with the larger group, in pairs.

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