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Applications of ICT

Week & Topic 1. Introduction Task

Pupil Checklist
Completed Y/ N

Discussion-What is online learning? Target setting for course Setup wiki section for their groups notes. Make notes on Snapkast presentation. Watch videos on epos systems in operation. Complete written assignment questions and submit. Watch video on EFT. Discussion: What technology would you like to see the next 15 years bring in? Mind Map submitted Listen to Podcast on ATM and chip and pin technologies and make own notes. Discussion: we are moving towards a cashless society. Complete Yacapaca assessment Make own notes on Snapkast presentation. Research information for the project. Google presentation created Google notes page created Watch video on Teleworking and make notes Continue work on collaborative presentation Yacapaca Assignment task Discussion: Every job should allow employees to be flexible.

2. ICT and Money

3 ICT and Money

ICT and Money

5 ICT and Work

6 ICT and Work

7 ICT and Education

Make own notes on Snapkast presentation. Discussion: How is ICT being used to support pupils who cannot attend school? Complete worksheet Watch Video on What is a VLE? Create and submit Mind Map on VLEs Complete Yacapaca Quiz Snapkast Presentation E conferencing quiz Discussion: the classroom of the future will not require a teacher Complete online course survey Discussion: What are the benefits and drawbacks of online learning?

8 ICT and Education

9 ICT and Education

10 Course Review

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