Kick-Off Meeting Final Draft 2010-11-29

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Kick-off meeting PICQA and DIUS: Agenda and information for delegates

PICQA and DIUS are two closely related TEMPUS projects devoted to the development of quality assessment regulations in higher education in Georgia and Armenia. While PICQA is co-ordinated by ASIIN, the University of Koblenz-Landau co-ordinates DIUS. About one half of the partners are members of both projects. For this reason the co-ordinating partners have decided to start both projects with a joint kick-off meeting.

PICQA: PROMOTING INTERNATIONALIZATION AND DIUS: DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION OF COMPARABILITY OF QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER UNIVERSITY SELF-ASSESSMENT SYSTEMS EDUCATION ASIIN e.V. University of Koblenz-Landau Campus University of Malta - Italy University of Alicante Wroclav University of Technology - Poland Hogeschool Rotterdam Universit du Maine (Le Mans University) - France Technische Hochschule Mnchen Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities (QANU) Centre International dEtudes Pedagogiques (CIEP) Yerevan State University (YSU) State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA) Vanadzor branch of State Engineering University (VbSEUA) Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts (YSAFA) Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU) Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute (GSPI) National Center For Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA) Republic of Armenia Ministry of Education and Science (AMES) National Center for Educational Accreditation (NCEA) Ilia State University (ISU) Kutaisi University of Law and Economics (KULE) Shota Rustaveli State University (RSU) Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia (MESG)

Most presentations will be given in English, translation from and into Russian is possible both for presentations and for discussion, discussion can also be held in Russian.

The kick-off meeting will be held in Haus Providentia, a guesthouse run by very friendly nuns who offer us a large seminar room with all necessary facilities (see the map on the last page). In Haus Providentia the following is forbidden: high heels

PICQA and DIUS kick-off meeting December 1st to 3rd, 2010

smoking (only outside the buildings there will be some ashtrays any kind of noise; after 21:00 the sisters running the house expect strict silence.
st rd

The meeting will start in the morning of Wednesday, December 1 and last until Friday, December 3 , afternoon. The first day is devoted mainly to the DIUS project, the second day is devoted to the PICQA project starting at midday, and the third day is devoted to questions of collaboration and to those management issues which are mainly the same for both projects. Accommodation is possible in Haus Providentia for up to 17 participants, two hotels near the university campus can also be booked. Please let us know soon which of these three you prefer. Haus Providentia (1) can be reached with bus line 5, 15 (Kirmesplatz) and 20 (Neugasse, for both see the smaller map), the hotels can best be reached using bus line 3 (which unfortunately does not start from the railway station, see the map of the inner city). The university campus (2) can be reached by bus lines 3, 5 and 20 (3, 20: Winninger Strae, 5: Oberweiher UNI).

Draft Agenda Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

DIUS Project
1: 2: 09:15 Welcome address by representatives of the co-ordinating partners 09:30-11:00 Short presentations of the DIUS partners, starting with the Armenian partners (who we are, what we expect from the project, what we can offer), up to 10 minutes per partner 11:00-11:15 Coffee break 2: 3: 3: 11:15-12:45 More short presentations (EU country partners) 12:45-14:15 Lunch break 14:15-15:45 Discussion of work packages and deliverables 15:45-16:00 Coffee break 16:00-17:30 Discussion of work packages and deliverables (continued) End of first day

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

DIUS Project
3: 10:00 12:00 Discussion of work packages and deliverables of the DIUS project (continued) 12:00-12:15 Coffee break

PICQA and DIUS kick-off meeting December 1st to 3rd, 2010 PICQA Project
1. 2. 12:15-12:45 Presentation, Objectives and Questions Introduction to the PICQA Project 12:45-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-16:00 Presentation of all PICQA project partners (max. 3 slides per institution/organization answering two questions: Who are you (your institution)? What will you do within the project? max. 8 minutes per partner) 16:00-16:15 Coffee break 16:15-16:45 Presentation of all PICQA project partners (continued) 16:45-19:00 Presentation of work packages, deliverables and work schedules 20:00-22:30 Social dinner

2: 3.

End of second day

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

PICQA Project
4. 09:00-11:30 Structure and organisation of the project and Nomination of Project Board

DIUS and PICQA Projects

11:30-11:45 Coffee break 1. 2: 3: 4: 11:45-12:45 Discussion of the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant and Budget Issues 12:45-14:00 Lunch break 14:00-15:00 Discussion of the Guidelines for the Use of the Grant and Budget Issues (continued) 15:00-15:30 Co-operation between the two projects 15:30-15:30 Coffee break 15:30-16:15 Discussion of the time schedule for further meetings End of third day

Discussion material
The grant agreements, the guidelines, the work plan budget tables and the logical framework matrix for DIUS can be found in the folder (already available with login DIUSAS and password diusas). PICQA documents will be distributed together with agenda.

How to find the venue

The map on the next page shows the main places of interest: 1: Haus Providentia, 2: the university campus, 3 and 5: two hotels and 4: the restaurant where we will have the social dinner. 1 is Haus Providentia, the conference venue and accommodation for 20 per night, buses see above. 2 is the university campus 3 is one of the hotels (Fhrhaus am Stausee, 60 per night, see, bus 3 or 20 until Winninger Strae. 4 is the restaurant where we will have dinner together on Thursday (see, sorry, only in German) 5 is the other hotel (Kreuter, 50 per night,, sorry only in German), bus 3 until Gls Moselbrcke.

PICQA and DIUS kick-off meeting December 1st to 3rd, 2010

Map of the inner city with bus stations

6 is the central railway station (Hauptbahnhof, buses 5 and 20 to the university and buses 5, 15 and 20 to Haus Providentia) 7 is the bus stop (Christuskirche) next to the railway station where bus 3 calls to university , restaurant and hotels 8 is the shopping mall (Lhr Center) where buses 3, 5, 15 and 20 call

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