Poetry Quotations

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Poetiy: Fiom Painful to Pleasing to Passion-Piovoking

Who ieaus poetiy anu why.

Who wiites poetiy anu why.

What typesfoims of poetiy exist.



TIe onIy probIemlwILI HuIku Is LIuL you jusLlgeL
sLurLed und LIenl-Roger McGougI

lHe wIo druws nobIe deIIgILs Irom senLImenLs oI poeLry
Is u Lrue poeL, LIougI Ie Ius never wrILLen u IIne In uII IIs
IIIe. -George Sund, 181lll
AIwuys be u poeL, even In prose. -CIurIes BuudeIuIre, "My
HeurL uId Bure," Intimcte 1ourncls, 186qlll
PoeLs ure soIdIers LIuL IIberuLe words Irom LIe sLeudIusL
possessIon oI deIInILIon. -EII KIumurov, The Shcdou
llPoeLry Is LIe reveIuLIon oI u IeeIIng LIuL LIe poeL
beIIeves Lo be InLerIor und personuI wIIcI LIe reuder
recognIzes us IIs own. -SuIvuLore QuusImodol
Poetiy is oiuinaiy language iaiseu to the nth powei. Poetiy is boneu with iueas,
neiveu anu blooueu with emotions, all helu togethei by the uelicate, tough skin
of woius. Paul Engle, New York Times, Febiuaiy 9H
Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is
painting that speaks.

Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty

in words.
/ar Allan Poe

Poetry: the best words in the best order.

$amuel Taylor Coleri/e

"Writing a poem is discovering
Robert Frost quotes (American poet, 1874-1963)
Similar Quotes. About: Poetry quotes.

" have never started a poem yet whose end knew. Writing a poem is disco
Robert Frost quotes (American poet, 1874-1963)
Similar Quotes. About: Poetry quotes.

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" have never started a poem yet whose end knew. Writing a poem is disco
Robert Frost quotes (American poet, 1874-1963)
Similar Quotes. About: Poetry quotes.

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" have never started a poem yet whose end knew. Writing
a poem is discovering.
Robert Frost quotes (American poet, 1874-1963)
Similar Quotes. About: Poetry quotes.

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It is dijjicult,to et the neus jrom poems,et men die
misercbl eter dc,jor lccl,oj uhct is jound there, urote
the rect Americcn poet Willicm Ccrlos Willicms.

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