Sos Membership

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Science 0ne Suivivois (S0S)

2u1u2u11 Nembeiship Foim

ueneial Infoimation ueneial Infoimation ueneial Infoimation ueneial Infoimation
Fiist Name:
uenuei: | ] Nale | ] Female
0BC Stuuent Numbei:
Phone Numbei:
Payment Infoimation Payment Infoimation Payment Infoimation Payment Infoimation (please hanu in youi fee with this foim!)
S0S lifetime membeiship fee: $1u.uu CBN | ] cash | ] cash | ] cash | ] cash

S0S Constitution S0S Constitution S0S Constitution S0S Constitution (can be founu on oui website:
I have ieau the S0S Constitution. By signing below, I confiim that I fully unueistanu anu comply
with the entiie contents of the constitution.

S0S Nentoiship S0S Nentoiship S0S Nentoiship S0S Nentoiship Piogiam Application Piogiam Application Piogiam Application Piogiam Application (optional)
1. 1. 1. 1. Wheie aie you cuiiently living.
| ] 0n campus
| ] At home,!
Last Name:
(8 uigits)
| ] cheque (payable to Science 0ne Suivivois) | ] cheque (payable to Science 0ne Suivivois) | ] cheque (payable to Science 0ne Suivivois) | ] cheque (payable to Science 0ne Suivivois)
(inseit name of citytown)
2. 2. 2. 2. Bow often woulu you like to meet with youi
| ] 0nce a week
| ] 0nce eveiy two weeks
| ] 0nce a month
| ] 0ccasionally (when you neeu help)
S. S. S. S. Woulu you be moie comfoitable with a ..
| ] Nale mentoi
| ] Female mentoi
| ] No piefeience
4. 4. 4. 4. Which of the following subjects woulu you
want youi mentoi to help you with (choose all
that apply).
| ] Choosing Couises
| ] Physics
| ] Nath
| ] Chemistiy
| ] Biology
S. S. S. S. What is youi acauemic fielu of inteiest.

6. 6. 6. 6. Bo you know any Science 0ne Alumni who
you woulu like to iequest as youi mentoi. If so,
please list theii name(s) heie:

(Note: we may be unable to comply with youi
iequest if moie than one peison iequests the same
mentoi, oi if she uoes not wish to be a mentoi.)
Please complete both siues both siues both siues both siues.

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