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The Reconnection

Heal Others, Heal Yourself

Media Contact Jackie Lapin Publicist Email:

The Reconnection, LLC 31592 Foxfield Dr. Westlake Village, CA 91361 MAIN +1 818 707 1473 FAX +1 818 707 3543

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About Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection

Reconnective Healing is a form of healing that is here on the planet for the very rst time. It reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories. The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. These healings and evolutionary frequencies are of a new bandwidth brought in via a spectrum of light and information. It is through The Reconnection that we are able to interact with these new levels of light and information, and it is through these new levels of light and information that we are able to reconnect. This is something new. This is different. This is realand it can be entrained in each of us. The difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection is basically one of intent. The intent of Reconnective Healing is essentially that of healing, be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or on any other level. And, of course, to achieve the degree of healing brought forth via Reconnective Healing, you will, to some extent, experience reconnection as part of the process. Its this "Reconnection" that allows Reconnective Healing to be so dramatically more comprehensive than the healing "techniques" weve had up until now. The intent of The Reconnection is to bring us into the fullness of our inherent connection with the universe. This is done via a two-session experience, commonly referred to as receiving your Personal Reconnection. And, of course, to achieve the degree of reconnection brought fourth via The Reconnection, you will, to some extent, experience healing as part of the process.

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About Eric Pearl

Internationally recognized healer Eric Pearl has appeared on countless television programs in the US and around the world, spoken by invitation at the United Nations, presented to a full house at Madison Square Garden, been interviewed in various publications including The New York Times, and most recently featured in the new lm, The Living Matrix. As a doctor, Eric ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day when patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them even though he hadnt physically touched them. Patients soon reported receiving miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, birth disgurements, cerebral palsy and other serious afictions. All this occurred when Eric simply held his hands near them and to this day, it continues. His patients healings have been documented in six books to date, including Erics own international bestseller, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, now published in over 30 languages! Based in Los Angeles, Eric and Reconnective Healing elicit great interest from top doctors and medical researchers at hospitals and universities worldwide. These include Jackson Memorial Hospital, UCLA, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, the VA Hospital, University of Minnesota, University of Miami Medical School and the University of Arizona where he addressed physicians at the request of Dr. Andrew Weil. New research programs are presently underway at multiple facilities under the guidance of such renowned research scientists as Gary Schwartz, PhD., Konstantin Korotkov, PhD., William Tiller, PhD., and others. Eric travels the globe extensively throughout the year bringing the light and information of Reconnective Healing onto the planet. He teaches you how to activate and utilize this new, all-inclusive spectrum of healing frequencies that allow us to completely transcend energy healing and technique to access a level of healing beyond anything anyone has been able to access prior to now! To date, he has taught this new level of healing to more than 65,000 people in more than 60 countries, bringing about a spontaneous generation of healers worldwide.

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Distinguished Endorsements
fresh insight into the dynamics of healing. Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of How to Know God Eric is an amazing man with the superb gift of healing. Read this book and be transformed! John Edward, psychic medium; author of What If God Were the Sun? Reconnective Healing is a phenomenon in the world of healing. Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field and The Intention Experiment The truth about a revolutionary new way to heal and be healed Filled with humor, insight, and the in-depth understanding and humility that come only with the maturity of a good clinician and scientist... If youre serious about health and healing, read this book! Christiane Northrup, M.D., assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN, University of Vermont College of Medicine; author of Womens Bodies, Womens Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause As a physician and a neuro-scientist, I have been trained to know why and how a treatment works. When it comes to Reconnective Healing, I dont know how it works. I simply know from personal experience that it does... Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., Ph.D., author of Awakening Intuition Dr. Eric Pearls The Reconnection is quite simply the best book on transpersonal healing and spirit medicine to appear in years. It is a gift from the Universe and an extraordinarily exciting contribution to the worldwide paradigm shift occurring in our time. If you read only two books this year, make sure that this jewel is one of them. Hank Wesselman, Ph.D., author of Spiritwalker, Medicinemaker, and Visionseeker This is a book that inspires the mind as it comforts the heart and celebrates the healing process. Reconnective Healing should be read by health-care professionals who wish to foster a higher level of healing in their patients and, in the process, heal themselves. Gary E. R. Schwartz, Ph.D., and Linda G. S. Russek, Ph.D., directors of the Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona; and authors of The Living Energy Universe Eric Pearl has been given an unparalleled gift of healing a new, nondirected form of energetic healing that goes beyond the formulas, techniques, and mantras that we have had to work with on this planet until now. I highly recommend it for health-care practitioners, as well as anyone else interested in awakening their own healing potential. Richard Gerber, M.D., author of Vibrational Medicine Reconnecting the secret to all healing. Dr. Wayne Dyer, the best-selling author of The Power of Intention

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A Healing Story: The Road Home

In September of 1991, my wife and I were blessed with a baby boy. The following month, I was in the hospital getting a total thyroidectomy. I had thyroid cancer. I was in excellent physical condition prior to surgery, so I recovered rapidly and I immediately went back to work as a self-employed contractor. As the days and weeks passed, the thought of having cancer would occasionally surface. Being a new father, however, I quickly forgot any of those concerns. I healed completely and continued to work as if nothing had ever happened. In January of 1992, as we were coming home from a wedding, my wife and I found ourselves in an evening snowstorm. As we sat at a red light, we were suddenly struck from behind by a drunk driver. We both sustained neck and back injuries which required that we have MRI tests taken (sort of an advanced form of x-ray). One evening my doctor called and informed us that my MRI had revealed more than just herniated discs. I had a tumor in my head, located in my pituitary gland. My wife and I were devastated. We didnt know what it all meant. I was sent to a specialist in New York city who examined me and explained that 99% of the time these tumors are benign. He further stated that since this type of tumor often tends to shrink on its own, he would not operate right away. The plan was to get a MRI of my head done every six months, just to keep an eye on it. We were relieved and satised with his opinion, so every six months I went for my MRI and life went on. In the late winter of 1994, I began experiencing head pain different from anything I had ever known before. This was no ordinary headache. I went to a neurologist for an examination and was told that I was experiencing cluster headaches. Due to their severity, cluster headaches are commonly known to drive people to suicide. They would come and go in ashes. I also had a steady pain up the back of my head that would literally pull the life force right out of me. The pain got so bad that I was bedridden. Eventually the pain became so severe that I returned to the neurologist. This time the neurologist himself brought me to the hospital for an emergency MRI fearing that the tumor had hemorrhaged. Fortunately, it hadnt. It had, however, grown signicantly and surgery was required immediately. In May of 1994, I was scheduled for brain surgery. You cant imagine the anxiety that comes with the anticipation of having someone operate on your head. My surgery lasted three hours and the tumor was successfully extracted. Recovery was long and tiresome. Unfortunately, when you tamper with the pituitary gland, it stops functioning. Since this is the master gland that controls much of your body chemistry, I was now chemically dependent. Every day I had to take four doses of hormones and 30mg of hydrocortisone. In addition, I had to get a testosterone shot every three weeks. My doctors told me that if my pituitary gland did not regain function within a month after surgery, I could expect that it never would. It didnt. Again, my wife and I adjusted to the new routine and life went on. One day I was watching a television program about healers. I was not familiar with alternative forms of healing and the idea interested me greatly. Since the medical world had already given up on me, I decided to pursue a healer in an effort to get my pituitary gland working again. Ive never been one to go down without a ght so, even though the gland had been non-functional for several months, I was determined to nd a healer and make myself whole. The search went on for over a year. In June of 1995, I was at my periodic cancer examination when my surgeon found a tumor in the right side of my neck. A CAT scan and MRI conrmed that the thyroid cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. Surgery was scheduled for July. I kept my wife and myself on a positive
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A Healing Story: The Road Home (continued)

track by thinking that I would come through this operation successfully and all would be well again. My search for a healer had to be put on hold temporarily. Surgery lasted for ve hours. It was a radical dissection of my right neck. Eighty-eight lymph nodes were removed and of them, 22 were cancerous. The surgery was very painful and I took almost three months to heal. Once I recovered from this operation, my search for a healer was on again. I was determined that after three major operations in less than four years, I was going to get back to normal. My search nally climaxed when NBC in California responded to a letter I had sent them regarding a show I had seen on healers. Several names and addresses were mailed to me. I reached those that I could, but the one that really made an impression was Dr. Eric Scott Pearl in Los Angeles. I was excited! My search was over. I was nally going to have a session with a bona de healer! In November of 1995, my wife and I met Dr. Pearl. My pituitary gland hadnt been functioning for over a year and a half. Medically speaking, all hope was lost. After explaining my condition, I had a private session. It was a genuine experience. He held his hands over my head. After several minutes, I felt a tremendous heat. I nally passed out. Upon awakening, I was rather disoriented. He explained that some results tend to be immediate while others may only become apparent with time. He asked that I write or phone to let him know of my progress, as this is the only way he can keep track of things. In December of 1995, about three weeks after my session with Dr. Pearl, I started to experience new and unusual feelings in my body. My doctor conrmed my instincts that I no longer needed my medications, and, under supervision, I began to wean myself off of the drugs. After three months, I am now 95% drug free with a well-functioning pituitary. My doctor and I are hopeful that I will soon be 100% drug free. My test results are now normal. Im feeling great. My stamina is better now than it ever was before my surgeries. My spirits are high. My wife and I are once again leading a healthy, normal life. After receiving my most recent set of normal laboratory results, I smiled and asked my physician what he now thought of healers. Following a moments contemplation, he replied, The only thing I can tell you is there are a lot of strange phenomena out there that I really dont understand. As time passed, medical tests continued to conrm my miraculous recovery. I contacted Dr. Pearl to inform him of my results. He was truly happy to hear of my healing. As a father and self-employed contractor, its a luxury if I can nd time to make it through the morning newspaper, let alone ponder the mysteries of the universe. Yet on the rare occasion that I do have a free moment, I often try to make sense of all the wonderful things that have happened since my session with Dr. Pearl. Ive come to realize that there are a lot of strange phenomena out there that I, too, dont understand. One thing both my medical doctor and I do understand, however, is that I was healed that day through Dr. Pearl. I dont like to brag about it, I dont need to justify it, and I guess I dont even have to understand it. All I know is Ive got my health backand its been a long road home.

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"I didn't think life was worth living! I didn't 'have' a life until I met Dr. Pearl. I want you to know I am healed, my condition is not just in remission, I have been completely cured." Michele, Healed of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia "It was magical! I stood up and was six feet tall. I saw that my right foot was straight, just like my left one. For the rst time in my life I had two independent legs." Gary, Suffered with a Birth Defect "My doctor conrmed my instincts that I no longer needed my medications. After three months I was 95% drug free with a well-functioning pituitary. One thing both my medical doctor and I understand is that I was healed by Dr. Pearl." Rusty, Pituitary gland malfunction required daily drugs and hormones to survive "It felt as if angels were having a party all around me. I felt my heart open in an intense surge of every emotion imaginable. It was an enchantingly beautiful experience. I no longer require any of the every-other-day blood transfusions which had characterized my existence. I also haven't used a wheelchair. Not once." Isabel, Suffered with Cancer

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Seminar Descriptions
The Essence of Healing Find out whats bafing the medical community. Discover why hospitals and universities around the world are investing time and money in an attempt to explain these healings, and how you, too, can master this extraordinary work! Eric will discuss his remarkable story and give live demonstrations of the healings on audience volunteers.

Level l Seminar The Basic Truths of Healing Unique in its content, this seminar is essential for both the novice as well as the advanced practitioner. As a newcomer, you will discover how to immediately access these new frequencies of healing. As an advanced healer, you will nd that elusive jump that will make all the difference in your work. Your hands will be attuned to accept these new frequencies of healing. You will make the shift to carry and accommodate this all-inclusive spectrum of energy, light and information. And you will work with these highly palpable energies under the direct guidance of Eric and the dedicated Reconnection teaching team. And people will respond to them, physically and visibly starting on your very rst day as you guide them into healing realms beyond those previously accessible by anyone, anywhere. This is different than Reiki, Johrei, Qi Gong ... or any healing technique youve ever encountered. This is beyond technique! Learn how to access this new, more fully comprehensive healing continuum Evolve beyond technique Transcend energy healing itself Access a level of healing beyond anything anyone has been able to access prior to now

Level ll Seminar The New Frequencies of Healing During the Level II Seminar, you will permanently establish a powerful connection with the source of these healings. Subtle energy becomes obvious, easily accessible anything but subtle. Eric and his assistants will work with you to bring forth these newly cultivated energies and focus them to heal others. You also review self-healing, distance healing, and some elective hands-on positioning.

Level lll Seminar Full Weekend Seminar The Reconnection Originally the meridian lines (sometimes called acupuncture lines) on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet and intersect at acknowledged power places such as Machu Picchu and Sedona. These lines continued out and connected us to a vastly larger grid, tying us to the entire universe. Each of our bodies contains its own set of energetic lines and points. Although only remnants of what they once were, these lines and points continue to serve as our interface with the universe: a channel that facilitates our communication of energy, light and information between large and small, macrocosm and microcosm, the universe and humankind. At one point in time, we became disconnected from these lines and we lost the

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Seminar Descriptions (continued)

fullness of our inherent connection to the universe, distancing us from our previously rapid and expansive rate of evolution. The Reconnection brings in new axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body. This course will teach you how to bring in and activate these new lines, allowing for the exchange beyond energy of light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of strings (simultaneous or parallel planes of existence).

Practitioner Mentoring Three Day Seminar Practitioner Mentoring graduates will complete an advanced course designed to coach them to higher levels of performance and ease with the work of Reconnective Healing. This course provides attendees with specic instruction on how to coach/mentor others in seminars and on their own. Graduates are also trained in the core skill areas of being a Teaching Assistant. Finally, graduates are coached on how to prepare and conduct public talks/demonstrations of the work. This seminar is a 3 day intensive course, with an emphasis on personalized instruction in all areas. Graduates are conferred the Practitioner Mentor status for a period of 12 months and continuous skill enhancement and learning is a requirement for retaining the status.

Reconnective Practice Management (RPM) Offered several times a year in key cities throughout the world, these one day courses will teach you the steps necessary to start and build your Reconnective Healing practice. Complete with a manual and outline, this course includes Business Planning, Ofce Set-Up & Procedure, Marketing and Public Speaking (with emphasis on educating others about this work). Now that you've mastered how to Heal Others and Heal Yourself, it's time to master how to successfully share your skills with the world. Join The Reconnection's own Pat Atanas for an exciting weekend of Reconnective Practice Management and Learn how to take your healing skills to the next level! During this exciting seminar, you will learn how to get started by dening your mission and setting goals, learning how to effectively speak about the work, how to lay the foundation of a successful Reconnective Healing Practice, how to create a professional healing experience, how to attract clients and develop a practice based upon referrals, and more!

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The Reconnection Book

Why are prominent doctors and medical researchers all over the world interested in the extraordinary healings reported by the patients of Eric Scott Pearl? What does it mean when these patient report the sudden disappearance of afictions such as cancer, AIDS-related conditions, and cerebral palsy And what does it mean when people who interact with Eric report a sudden ability to access this healing energy not just for themselves, but for others, too? What is this phenomenon? Well, you might have to reconsider everything you've read up until now about conventional healing. The "new" frequencies of healing described by Eric Pearl transcend "technique" entirely, and bring you to levels beyond those previously accessible to anyone, anywhere. This book takes you on Eric's journey from the discovery of his ability to heal, to his well-deserved reputation as the instrument through which this process is being introduced to the world. But most importantly, The Reconnection reveals methods you can use to personally master these new healing frequencies. Soon to be published in its 30th language!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reconnective Healing? Reconnective Healing is a form of healing that is here on the planet for the very rst time. It reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories. The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. These healings and evolutionary frequencies are of a new bandwidth brought in via a spectrum of light and information. It is through The Reconnection that we are able to interact with these new levels of light and information, and it is through these new levels of light and information that we are able to reconnect. This is something new. This is different. This is realand it can be entrained in each of us. How did Eric Pearl discover Reconnective Healing? As a doctor, Eric ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day when patients began reporting that they felt his hands on themeven though he hadnt physically touched them. For the rst couple of months his palms blistered and bled. Patients soon reported seeing angels and receiving miraculous Healings from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, birth disgurements, cerebral palsy, and other serious afictions. All this occurred when Eric simply held his hands near them. And to this day, it continues. How does this compare to other frequencies? How does it differ from the other forms of energy work used now? There is something that were experiencing of which most of you are at least somewhat aware. Its that time seems to be moving faster as well as expanding. This transition is referred to by many names. "The Shift" and "Shift of the Ages" are two terms used by Gregg Braden. The transition was predicted by the Mayans, the Incas, the Hopi, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Kabbalah (both Jewish and Christian). In Walking Between the Worlds, Braden denes this shift as "both a time in Earth history as well as an experience of human consciousness. Dened by the convergence of decreasing planetary magnetics and increasing planetary frequency upon a point in time, the Shift of the Ages, or simply, The Shift, represents a rare opportunity of collectively repatterning the expression of human consciousness. The Shift is the term applied to the process of Earth accelerating through a course of evolutionary change, with the human species linked, by choice, to the electromagnetic elds of Earth, following suit through a process of cellular change." In the healing realm, many of the techniques that have stood the test of time function just as well now as they always didits just that we now have more, and we now are more, so the old techniques are no longer enough. As good as they always were, within our new, expanded parameters, they are no longer appropriatejust as lanterns would not be appropriate as headlights on a car, although, for a horse and buggy, they functioned just ne. The weaknesses these techniques are subject torequiring the removal of jewelry, the removal of leather, faith on the part of the recipient, protection rituals for both parties involvedare not present in the new frequencies.

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Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

Remember, too, why many of us who have been practicing healing techniques got involved with them in the rst place. It wasnt to become a fanatical follower for the technique itselfit was to become a healer. The technique was simply one of our early steps in this process. For a moment, picture yourself standing at the foot of a grand, cascading staircase. One of your goalsthat of becoming a healerawaits you at the top. Your rst step is to learn a technique. You throw yourself into this technique, mastering it, maybe even becoming a teacher. You now own this rst step. Its okay to love it, but be careful not to fall in love with it. Because if you do, youll sit down, grab a blanket and pillow, move in, and make this step the center of the rest of your life. But what does that mean about the remainder of your journey up the staircase? It stops. Now is the time to bless your rst steps . . . and continue upward. So are you saying that this is better than the other techniques? Of course not. This is not a question of "better or worse," this is a question of appropriateness. Just as you realize that if youre driving your Maserati on the Autobahn on your way to a romantic dinner, candle-lit lanterns would not make appropriate headlights, you probably also realize that, once you sit down to dine, halogen headlights would not make the most appropriate table lighting. Reconnective Healing is here now to give us something more comprehensive and expansive because now is the time that we can have something more comprehensive and expansive. Ive heard that if I learn this technique, I might lose the present one Ive been practicing. First of all, Reconnective Healing is not a "technique." This is the rst thing that separates it from the other forms of healing that youve heard of. Secondly, you wont lose your studied healing techniques. They just might not be as easy for you to nd?and you might not really want to bother. One reason for this is that the healing techniques that weve had on this planet up until now have been subsets of Reconnective Healing. They have been merely glimpses of some of its aspects. If you put these techniques all together, you have a slightly greater glimpse of Reconnective Healing, yet nowhere broaching all of it. Although this analogy doesnt do it justice, think of the different healing techniques you know of each as a single letter of the alphabet and randomly assign them letters, e.g., techniques C, J, P, Q, R. Now, if you know only technique "R", youre a little limited as to what you can spell. If you know two techniques, (i.e. if you own two "letters"), you might have a little more exibility. If you own all ve of the letters above, youre still noticeably limited in what you can do. Each of those letters is a subset of the alphabet. If you have the full set, all 26 letters, you can more fully communicate because not only can you spell words now, you can write volumes. Once you are working with the Reconnective frequencies, you are no longer just in subsets. You dont lose your "R" or your "Q" when you access your alphabet; you just have to work a little harder to nd them individually. And theres not much incentive to do so as they bring you such greater rewards when utilized as part of the set than they did when trying to function as an entire alphabet.

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Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

Does Reconnective Healing only work on physical problems? Will it work on mental problems as well? Healing is a return to balance. Every health challenge is a combination of the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional (and probably a few other classications we dont have words for). We simply classify it according to its predominate characteristic. Reconnective Healing doesnt specically "treat" anything. If in its presence you allow yourself to come back into balance, as many people do, then you do. You just do. Whats the difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection? The difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection is basically one of intent. The intent of Reconnective Healing is essentially that of healing, be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or on any other level. And, of course, to achieve the degree of healing brought forth via Reconnective Healing, you will, to some extent, experience reconnection as part of the process. Its this "Reconnection" that allows Reconnective Healing to be so dramatically more comprehensive than the healing "techniques" weve had up until now. The intent of The Reconnection is to bring us into the fullness of our inherent connection with the universe. This is done via a two-session experience, commonly referred to as receiving your Personal Reconnection. And, of course, to achieve the degree of reconnection brought fourth via The Reconnection, you will, to some extent, experience healing as part of the process. And, although the two are not completely separate processes, to obtain the full benets of each, your Reconnective Healing sessions and your personal Reconnection sessions are to be experienced on separate occasions. Can anyone learn to do this? We all have the ability to carry these new frequencies of healing. Its not a gift for a few chosen people gurus or "holy" (by general consensus) men or women. Its a gift of this time; the intelligence and wisdom we need to guide us is already in place. These frequencies are both old and new. They are "old" because they are of the universe. They are "new" because this is the rst time that theyve been on the planet. They are not something that someones friend at the beach has been "ohming" in for 15 years nor are they some lost technique of an old or ancient people. They are believed to be frequencies that we are experiencing on the Earth for the very rst time. Although the universe, for some reason, chose to "seed" Eric with this energy to begin the process of frequency enhancement, it seems that every day, more and more people are nding their place as part of this phenomenon. In so doing, we are raising our overall level of consciousness. Each week, Reconnective Healing is taught to hundreds of people from all over the world and from all types of backgrounds medical and non-medical, spiritual and non-spiritual, metaphysical and non-metaphysical, new-age and non-new age. The people who learn this come from all walks of life, demographics and socioeconomic classes. Everyone comes in at the same level no matter what his or her experience or educational backgroundwhich varies widely. The groups are approximately 50 percent male, 50

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Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

percent female. Youll nd Reiki Master Teachers and massage therapists, housewives and students, doctors and nurses, clergy members and construction workers, scientists, school teachers, computer analysts, government ofcials, plumbers and electricians, bankers and lawyers. And, in most seminars, youll also nd the person who didnt want to come sitting next to the person who brought them anyway. The constant diversity in any given room around the world is your assurance that over the course of a weekend, the nature of this work as it applies to nearly every aspect of life is addressed. Those locked into their left brains at the beginning of the seminar have often evolved so far beyond such limitations by the end that you are left to wonder if only a day or two have really passed. And when you notice that the construction worker is functioning with the same condence and integrity as the Reiki Master Teacherright there in that momentyou cant help but realize the simple beauty of this gift. These seminars are about creating atmospheres of interactive participation that promote exploration and learning; they are about sharing the group experience. What happens when a group works together with these energies is that everyones level rises at an amazing speed. Its as if theres some kind of a eld that connects everyone more intensely in a group setting, expediting our new evolution exponentially. Were all changing in every secondand theres a lot to say about spending a weekend immersed in the energies . . . together. Are you sure Ill be able to do this? Ive seen most everyone I know excel in healing so dramatically after attending the Reconnective Healing seminars that I cant nd words to express it. I also know a couple who seem afraid to move forward, continuing with their previous techniques or trying to combine them with Reconnective Healing without much improvement when they do it that way. So I dont get it. Are there some people who just cant access these purer energies? And, if so, why would I assume it would be different for me?a beginner? You ask an excellent question. The answer is actually contained in a quote from my book: People ask me if everyone has the ability to carry these frequencies and become a healer. My answer is, "Yes!" Everyone can do this, but the eyes are blind. It is only a few who dare to open their eyes . . . and often those who do are blinded by what they see. Everyone, once they interact with this, can do the work. Theyre doing it at the seminar. For some, its difcult for them to believe that they can actually do this, even though its happening, visibly, right before their eyes. For some, they are lost in the concept that more is better, so they "add" things, not recognizing that its a dilution, much as adding a cup of water to a bowl of chili merely gives you watered-down chili. And yet, for a third group, there is the need for them to attempt to make this better by putting their personal stamp on it. (For example, this is what happened to Reiki. Its difcult to nd the pure original Reiki. Many people who do many different things claim that their "technique" has sole ownership of it.) This third group is not secure enough in who they are to nd their reward in simply being a part of the process, recognizing the honor that it is that theyve been invited into the equation and permitted (I consider it "blessed") to witness the process in a state of awe. They therefore attempt to "decorate" it, to lay some sort of "claim" on the process and the results. To be able to say, "See. This is how I do it. This makes it even better". This is what I term "gilding the lily," taking the perfection of the universe and trying to make it more perfect.

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Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

These healings come from a place of perfect harmony with the universe. By trying to improve upon perfection, these individuals are displaying for anyone who cares to notice, that they werent able to see the perfection to begin with...or that they somehow lost sight of it. There is nothing wrong with any of the people in any of these groups, and many people are comprised of a combination of the three. The people who fall into these groups are simply not yet at a place where they are willing and emotionally able to step through their comfort zones. Why might it be different for you? There are many reasons. Many of them the same reasons that it is different for so many other people who are able to bring this through at its highest. First of all, as a beginner, you dont have so much baggage to release. There are feelings of safety and security in our baggage. Theres also fear of letting go of what we spent time and money accumulating. This usually comes from feeling that it means that weve made a mistake instead of recognizing that where weve been has simply been the most recent step that brought us to where we are now. Lifting your foot off of one step is required to step up onto the next. Lifting the other foot off of that previous step is also required if youd like to continue your ascension. Lifting your foot off of a step and then replacing it, no matter how many times you do it, and no matter how wonderful the step, keeps you where you are, on that very same step. Theres a certain degree of bravery required to look at a step you loved so much be it that special oriental healing technique you may have invested thousands of dollars in mastering and that served you so well, or one of the myriad other wonderful techniques that are taught here in the US or other countries bless it, thank it and kiss it good bye. To do so, you have to recognize that the intended function of a step is to be...a step. It isnt an end point, but rather part of your progression on your journey. You, by not having been indoctrinated into the arena of new-age healing "techniques," dont have this baggage and therefore will not be a candidate for that particular struggle to divest yourself of it. Why do you think we so easily see truth in the eyes of children? They dont come into this world with all the baggage and investment we accumulate. Mind you, most experienced healers dont put themselves through this. Actually, the more evolved understand the process and move forward into this new level with excitement and anticipation. Can you do it? Of course you can. Can these other people do it? Sure they can. Its only a matter of when. "Its only a few who dare to open their eyes...and often those who do are blinded by what they see." Youll be ne. What is it that Im feeling when Im doing this? In a sense, and not really wanting to use such a "woo-woo" sounding word, its an attunement. And, once we begin to understand concepts of vibration and entrainment, we see that attunement is a perfectly appropriate term. Think about it in terms of the effects of this attunement. Say you were born color blind, unable to distinguish blue from red from yellow. Then something happens to your eyes, and the color-receptive cells kick in. Can you imagine? Suddenly a whole new realm of perception comes to life for you. In Reconnective Healing, a similar event occurs. As we attune (come into harmony) with the new frequencies of energy, we begin to feel changes inside our own body. The vibrations will register within us and become part of us. Being able to recognize these sensations is an important aspect of learning to work with the frequencies, just as being able to see colors is helpful to a painter. Please remember that it is not a requirement. Although the feedback imparted through this ability is of great benet to the honing of our skills, there are blind

The Reconnection, LLC - Media Kit, Fall 2009

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Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

painters and deaf musicians. Feedback systems will develop for you in their own way, out of a place of peace and stillness. The entrainment, the alignment of forces and elds, the communication of light and information, will come about and will most likely nd a way to make itself known to you. How will I know this attunement has taken place for me? What can I do so that my body becomes aware of the new vibrations and is able to act as a conduit for them? Youre already in the process of undergoing these changes. The changes are occurring in you right now. For many, its an a priori conclusion that this process of attunement is encoding and unfolding in you even as you read this Q & A. For others, you most likely are, or are about to be, discovering it. In my experience, there are three main "styles" by which people make this attunement, this shift to accommodate the new frequencies: 1. You may notice changes in yourself almost from the beginningnew sensations of warmth, a strange feeling in your head or hands when you rst hear about The Reconnection, or see the book in a store. For others, your process may begin after you pick up the book and hold it, or open it and start reading. You may begin to notice things happening as you read the book or these FAQs further and further. Immersed in the material, your sensations become more and more apparent. A few of you may not feel anything until a little later onthree days, three weeks, maybe longer.



Finally, there is a fourth "style"the manifestor. This is a person who develops tiny blisters or experiences inexplicable bleeding, as I did at one point in my own development. If this happens, it only seems to last for a day or two, and simply means that your body is shifting to carry and accommodate these newer and larger (more comprehensive) frequencies. Have you ever had anyone who wasnt able to do this? Everyone, once they interact with these new frequencies, seems to be able to do this work. On very rare occasion, a person might have had some difculty feeling it in the very beginning of the seminar. Usually, by the end of the weekend, most everyone can feel it fairly strongly. On the absolute rarest of occasion, probably less than 10 people of the many thousands who have attended the seminars, someone might not be able to feel it even by the end of the weekend. Just the same, youll most likely see the changes that happen in a person when you work on them and realize that Reconnective Healing is coming through you anyway, as demonstrated by the person youre working on. Remember: if youre having difculty feeling it, youre simply trying too hard!

The Reconnection, LLC - Media Kit, Fall 2009

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Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

I want to have a healing. Do I want a private session or would I be better off attending a seminar? It depends on several factors. First of all, it may be wise for you to attend a seminar if your interest includes bringing healings to others. Many people who come to the seminars report that they receive healings merely from being in attendance, even though their intention for attending is to learn to facilitate healings for others. And, although we cant make any specic promises that this will be the case for you, theres clearly a lot to be said about being immersed in these healing frequencies for an entire weekend. Its important to learn this work, not just for the benets it yields you personally, but also for the gift of being able to offer it to help others. If your only purpose in attending is to have a healing for yourself, you might want to schedule a private healing session. If your desire is to help others as well as yourself, your most appropriate path may be to attend the seminar. Id like a private session with Eric Pearl. How do I schedule one? Will I have to y to LA? As we continue on a rather rigorous tour schedule, Eric has little remaining availability for private sessions. There are, however, thousands of highly procient practitioners whom Eric has trained and who offer sessions just as he does. These people are able to bring about the same results as Eric, have much greater availability and require much less travel. Your expense, therefore, will be greatly reduced. You can nd information on the practitioners closest to you on the online Practitioner Directory. This online directory lists practitioners from all over the world and allows you to search for them on our website at We are uncertain as to when Eric may be available again for private sessions. We see great success through the other practitioners and feel more than comfortable about you seeing them. I know there are other practitioners, but isnt going to the source best? Wont it be better from Eric Pearl himself? It seems that by mere interaction with Eric, people are able to attune/pick up this ability almost instantly. And most, if not all of our seminar attendees are able to begin offering sessions upon successful completion of the seminar. Remember, the Source is God, Love and/or Universe, choose your word. Eric is simply the instrument through which these healings have been introduced to the world. The Source is always with all of us. Has Eric or any other practitioner had success with (insert specic illness)? We have seen so many patients over the years that, at this point, its almost impossible to remember all of the specic cases. The important concept for you to understand here is that three people can come in with the same diagnosis and the same set of symptoms and receive three different sets of results. Some of the largest and most dramatic healings we see occur in cases where we know nothing at all about what the patient was contending with. As Eric says, "Oftentimes the less the practitioner "knows" about whats "wrong" with the patient/client, the better off that patient/client is." And while very many people see r esults that manifest physically in an immediate and permanent fashion, on rare occasion there are some people that do not demonstrate a recognizable response in the beginning.

The Reconnection, LLC - Media Kit, Fall 2009

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Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

Many do later on, in a few days or a few weeks. And some may not. Most healings tend to be permanent. Some demonstrate in their fullness immediately, some evolve over time. Most every time, the healing you have is yours and remains with you. What can I expect during a Reconnective Healing session or The Reconnection? Whats the best way to prepare for it? What can I do to allow it to be most effective? Everyones experience with Reconnective Healing is unique. Often healings are reported in an instant in just one session, and sometimes it takes a bit longer for a healing to unfold. If youre lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipated; if youre really lucky, your healing will come in a form you havent even thought of, one that the universe has in mind specically for you. Healings can come in all forms. The best way to allow for a healing is to proceed in a state of expectancy, without expectation or attachment. Place yourself on the table, relax, close your eyes and simply notice. Observe. Become both the observer and the observed. Be in a relaxed atmosphere, lie down on your back on a massage table or whatever other comfortable arrangement youve decided on, close your eyes and notice. Just notice. Withdraw your participatory thought process and simply observe when theres something to notice, as well as when theres nothing to notice; lie there and let go, as if you simply had a little unexpected rest time. I wouldnt suggest that you try to make your mind a blank or try to think of nothing. As a rule, people have trouble with the concept of thinking of nothing. The mind is always going. I suggest that you simply notice whatever it is that brings itself to your attention. This gives you something to do and has a tendency to alleviate the stress often encountered when trying to think of nothing and nding that you dont know how. Place your attention inside your body and allow it to travel through you. Observing whatever you perceive as out of the ordinary will give you enough to occupy your mind without your getting lost in mental "shoulds" and "shouldnts." Dont breathe a special way, dont visualize relaxing scenes or a desired result, dont meditate or repeat mantras, silently or otherwise, and dont "do" anything else that I havent mentioned that you or someone else thinks will "help." It wont. It will simply bring about what youre able to do on your own and interfere with you being able to enjoy the fullness and the reality of the experience. And if thats the case, you may as well stay home. When youre ready to let go and not attempt to "direct" or enhance the experience, when your ego is out of the way sufciently so you dont attempt to "gild the lily," youre ready to experience what makes Reconnective Healing different, what makes The Reconnection real. Youre ready to receive. How many sessions will I need? How long does it take to have a healing? One visitperhaps even part of one visitmay be plenty. Generally it is recommended that you consider up to three sessions. And, although each session is special, often something particularly special tends to be reported about session number three.

The Reconnection, LLC - Media Kit, Fall 2009

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Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

Healings occur in an instant. What takes "time" is for the person to "decide" to accept the healing. If you receive everything youre looking for by your rst, second or third session, its time to let go and allow things to unfold on their own. If you dont receive anything by your third session, Reconnective Healing may not be the appropriate way for you to receive what youre looking for at this time in your life. Again, you may want to let go and allow whatever might unfold to do so. You may choose to return in three, six, maybe even eighteen months. The only time I might consider a few more sessions is either: a) if a new situation arises for you; or b) if youve been experiencing clear, recognizable, consistent improvement over the rst three visits and it looks as if theres a little more to go. At that point, I might consider a few more sessions. After that, I would again let go and allow it time to unfold. Reconnective Healing is not about regular visits or "touch-ups." You do not need to come in for "weekly" sessions or on any kind of an "ongoing" basis. Once you have your session(s), you "own" your change, your healing, your evolution. Its yours. No one can take it away from you. Ever. Where can I nd other Practitioners in my area? There are a few ways to nd other practitioners. One way is to join the Reconnective Association, The RA, a worldwide support organization for Practitioners of Reconnective Healing. This association provides support tools to assist you and your business in the work, including the online Directory of Practitioners. This online directory lists practitioners from all over the world and allows you to search for them on our website at You can also nd other practitioners in your area by volunteering to assist at one of our training seminars when the tour visits your area. Many people nd this to be an excellent way to meet practitioners and to network with others in their areas.

The Reconnection, LLC - Media Kit, Fall 2009

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Press Coverage: Print & Television

Features in Popular Magazines World Wide

Yoga Magazine, Rainbownews, Vogue, Spiegelbeeld, Marie Claire, Womens Day, KGS, Ruh ve Madde and many more

International Television Coverage

Kanal 1 Turkish Television, NorthWest Afternoon TV (USA), The Conscious Media Network TV

The Reconnection, LLC - Media Kit, Fall 2009

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Press Coverage: Radio & Internet

Special Guest for On-Air Radio

Interviewed on Radio Shows including The Good Life with Jesse Dylan, Expression Radio with Shirley McLaine and Dreamland Radio with Whitley Strieber

The Good Life Show with Jesse Dylan on SIRIUS RADIO. The Good Life Show is a nationally syndicated weekly radio show hosted by internationally renowned, award-winning broadcaster and journalist Jesse Dylan that features topical and well-known guests such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Michael Roizen and Mark Victor Hansen (co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series) The Good Life Show covers all the important issues of overall health maintenance and longevity - from traditional approaches of western medicine and health care, to the many fascinating holistic and integrative methods. Featuring interviews with New York Times best-selling authors, doctors, top motivational speakers, high-prole athletes, product innovators and successful entrepreneurs.

Expression Radio with Shirley MacLaine Independent Expression (IE) Radio is your source for the liveliest online interviews. Each week Shirley interviews a new guest on topics ranging from politics, to UFO signtings to the environment, and more.

Dreamland Radio with Whitley Strieber on PSITalk Web Station

Internet - The Reconnection Podcast

Podcast series available through Apple iTunes

The Reconnection, LLC - Media Kit, Fall 2009

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