Writing and Thinking About History

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Writing and Thinking about history: Bring in 3-5 items 1. Loop a.

Write about any one of these items as a scientist. b. Write about the same item as a novelist. c. Write about the same item as a historian. 2. Have several students read. I'd say 3 scientists, 3 novelists, and 6 historians should do. 3. FFW. What is the historian's job? 4. Read pages 58-9 of Marc Bloch (37 in the reader). a. Pretend you are Marc Bloch (though you don't have to recreate his voice if you don't want to) and respond to your focused freewrite about the historian's job. (Note: you could also do the same having had students pass their notebooks to their neighbors for a response) 5. Have students read either 3 or 4. (I also think you could do this as a thought chain if you so desire). 6. I can see the rest of the session following one of two paths (a or b below) a. Believe and doubt the sentence on page 59: "The Past is their tyrant." i. FFW: Considering the limitations imposed on historians, what should they seek to know? ii. Read around. b. OR Read the long paragraph that spans from 66 to the top of 67. i. FFW: Bloch calls the past a tyrant on the top of 59 and suggests that history is filled with possibilities on 66. Spend some time exploring this potential tension. ii. Follow up with the following FFW (I would not even share the last one): Considering the limitations imposed on historians, what should they seek to know? iii. Read around.

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