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Oracle Business Flow:

Receipt to Assets

Assets to Depreciation

Fixed Asset Management

Manage Manage Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Inventory Inventory
Asset Inventory reports are run and verified with actual Inventory.
FM1108 FM1108

Capitalize Capitalize CIP CIP Asset Asset

Capitalize a CIP asset when you are ready to place it in service. Reverse capitalize a CIP Asset to take out of service

FM0959 FM0959

Transfer Transfer Fixed Fixed Assets Assets

Assets can be moved to new locations and/or (account) assignments.

FM1103 FM1103

Reclassify Reclassify Asset Asset

Assets can be classified to a new category.

FM1901 FM1901

Adjust Asset Adjust Asset Financial Financial Information Information

Assets cost or life can be adjusted as needed.

FM1903 FM1903

Manage Fixed Manage Fixed Asset Asset Loss/Disposal Loss/Disposal

Company owned assets disposed Asset is retired Proceeds of sale, cost of removal, and any gains or losses are recorded If asset is lost, destroyed or stolen, it is retired.

FM1104 FM1104

Estimate Future Estimate Future Depreciation Depreciation Expense Expense

The process of calculating future depreciation expense given a static fixed asset mix.

FM1904 FM1904

Manage Manage Tax Books Tax Books

FM1926 FM1926

Calculate Calculate Asset Asset Depreciation Depreciation

Depreciation is calculated for the Tax Books.

FM0480 FM0480

Report Report Property Property Tax Tax

The process of reporting assets by location for property tax assessment.

FM1912 FM1912

Assets are copied from the Corporate book to the Tax Book.

Period End Close to Financial Reports

Enterprise Roles Fixed Asset Accountant Accounting Manager Tax Accountant

Copyright 2006, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. July 1, 2006 Release 11i.10 Slide 1

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