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Name: _________________________________________________________ Date: ________ Block: ________

Native American World View Writing Assignment

Objective: You will write a well-developed paragraph using the CDW argument structure about the Native American belief system. Your paragraph should answer the following question: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Based on your reading of Chief Seattles Letter to Washington, what are some key components of the Native American world view? ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Your paragraph is a formal academic piece of writing. Therefore, you must use academic language, appropriate citations, and correct grammar/conventions. You will have time today to complete your paragraph in the computer lab.

Scoring Guide
Each worth 5 points: ____/5 Paragraph has a clear claim statement which offers an interpretation, includes the title/ author of the work being analyzed, and introduces the topic of the paragraph. ___/5 Each portion of the writers claim is supported with at least one fitting quote from Chief Seattles letter. ___/ 5 The connection between each quote and the writers claim is well-explained (these explanations are warrants) ___/5 The writers paragraph is clear, logical, and thorough. It is clear the writer understands Chief Seattles letter. Each worth 2 points: ___/2 The paragraph is typed or neatly written. ___/2 The page has an appropriate MLA heading (on the top left side, you should have your name, the teachers name, the course title, and then the date.) ___/2 There are fewer than two grammatical errors. ___/2 The paragraph is well-developed. (Think at least 8-12 sentences long) ___/2 The writer uses appropriate academic language and tone. ___/30: Total *When you have completed your paragraph, please write your name on this sheet and return it to Ms. Clark with your completed paragraph.

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