HRM Recruitment

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Recruitment Process

Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies.



Size of organization Employment conditions in locality of organization Working conditions, salary, benefits and other packages Rate of organizational growth Future expansion and production programmes Cultural, economic, legal factors

Factors affecting recruitment

Governing factors
Internal factors : Recruiting policy, HR planning, size of organization, cost involved in recruiting, growth and expansion plans External factors :Supply & demand, Political and legal, Company Image
Objective factor theory Critical contact theory Subjective factor theory


The image of the organization The unattractive job Internal organizational policies Union requirements Government influence

Recruitment policies
Organization objective Identification of recruitment Preferred sources of recruitment Criteria of selection and preferences

Factors involved in recruitment policies

Letter and spirit of relevant public policy Employee security Talent and skills engagement Fair promotion and transfer policies To avoid cliques Opportunities for handicapped and minority To encourage strong trade union among employees

Prerequisites of recruitment policies


Should conform with its general personal policies Should be flexible Should be designed to ensure long term employment opportunities Should match the qualities of employees with the requirements of work Should highlight necessity of establishing job analysis

Recruitment Organization
Centralized recruitment and its advantages Saves admin cost, line officers are relieved from details involved in hiring, selection of workers is scientific, reduces favoritism Recruitment section : Roomy, Clean, Ventilated, Drinking, Clean, Toilet facility

Sources of recruitment
Internal sources : Merits : Improves employee morale, employer is in a better position to evaluate, promotes loyalty, little training is required, reliability factor, cost effective. Demerits : discourages young blood to enter in organization, not advisable in advertising, designing, basic research, if based on seniority, likes and dislikes of management then its a problem

External sources Includes mostly : Young inexperienced people, Unemployed, Retired, women and people from minority. Merits : Serves niche demand, wide range of aspirants available, best selection can be made without distinction of sex, caste or color, may not need extra training. Demerits : Suffers from brain drain especially when experienced people are hunted by sister concerns.

Methods in recruitment :
Direct methods : Sending traveling recruiters to colleges, job fairs, seminars Indirect methods : especially senior posts through newspapers, journals, magazines, radio, national periodicals. Third party methods : Recruiting firms, consulting firms, friends and relatives, pvt employment agencies, state or public employment agencies.

Employee referrals
Trade unions Casual labor at gates Unconsolidated applications Voluntary organizations : Handicapped Computer data bank


The problem of SON OF SOIL

National commission of labor suggests : Young person from families should be provided training opportunities for employment whose land was acquired for setting up industries Unskilled Displaced people from vicinity should be given preference 25 % reservation for minority groups who have been displaced in Govt. and public sector

Assessment of recruitment programme

Cost per applicant Applicant/Hiring ratio Tenure Performance appraisals Ethical practices : Truth in hiring

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