God Waits Patiently

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When you got up this morning, I observed you, and I hoped you wouId taIk to me,

No matter if they were onIy few words, asking my opinion or just giving thanks for
something that happened to you yesterday.
But I noticed that you were very busy Iooking for the appropriate cIothes to wear
and to go to work.
I continued hoping,
WhiIe you were doing things in a hurry,
I knew that there were stiII some minutes for you to
stop for a moment and teII me "HeIIo!",
But you were too much busy.
This is why I Iighted the sky for you,
I fiIIed it with coIors and beautifuI songs of birds
To see if you wouId hear me.
But you did not notice this.
WhiIe you were coming back I noticed your tiredness and I
wanted to shower upon you some water to take away your stress,
I wanted to make you a favor so that you wouId think of me,
But you got angry and offended my name.
With aII your activities I suppose you were too
much busy to teII me something.
I observed you whiIe going to work
And I waited patientIy the whoIe day.
I reaIIy wished you wouId taIk to me. there was stiII enough
I waited patientIy whiIe you were watching it and having your
But you forgot again to taIk to me.
But I did not Ieave you in darkness, I just changed it with a smaII Iight, But I did not Ieave you in darkness, I just changed it with a smaII Iight,
Later on you turned on the teIevision,
I noticed that you were tired and I understood your siIence, so I darkened the I noticed that you were tired and I understood your siIence, so I darkened the
cIarity of the sky, cIarity of the sky,
it was reaIIy beautifuI, but you were not interested in seeing it. it was reaIIy beautifuI, but you were not interested in seeing it.
At the time of sIeeping, I think you were aIready exhausted.
After saying good night to your famiIy,
You Iay on your bed and feII asIeep aImost instantIy,
I accompanied your sIeep with music, my night animaIs did very weII,
No probIem, because you might not reaIize that I am aIways there for
I have more patience than what you can imagine.
I wouId Iike to teach you aIso how to be patient with others.
I LOVE YOU so much that I wait every day for a prayer.
The Iandscape that I make is onIy for you .
WeII, you are getting up again
And I hope again, just out of my Iove for you
May you have a nice day !!!!
Your friend God
P.S. WiII you have time to send this to another person ???

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