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Squash Gratin 2 medium yellow squash 2 medium zucchini 1 small yellow onion 1 large slicing tomato 2 Tbs.

olive oil tsp. kosher salt (more to taste) tsp. fresh cracked black pepper cup panko crumbs cup parmesan cheese, freshly grated 2 Tbs. butter, cut into small pieces ________________________________________ Cut the tomato and onion in half, then cut the squash, zucchini, onion and tomato into crosswise slices. Drizzle a large rectangular pyrex baking dish with a little olive oil. Begin to add the sliced vegetables in rows across the end of the dish. Add a row of yellow squash, then zucchini, then onion, then tomato. Alternate until the dish is full, overlapping the layers. Drizzle the top of the filled dish with olive oil, then sprinkle with kosher salt and pepper. Top with panko crumbs and parmesan cheese, then dot the top with butter. Bake at 400F for about 35 40 minutes, until the bread crumbs and cheese are browned.

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