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The Empirical Self or Me, by William James Text Explosion & Loop Writing Read through the piece,

each student taking one sentence at time. Repeat. Now I will read through the piece a 3rd time while you underline words or phrases that jump out, or that you like, or that you dont like; underline words or phrases that have an effect on you. FFW: Pick one of the phrases or words that you underlined and write about why it stuck out for you. (5 minutes) I will now read through the piece again. When I get to the word or phrase that youve written about, knock on your desk once. That will signal me to stop reading at which point you will read aloud the word or the phrase youve written about and then share what youve written. If more than one person knocks at the same time, I will choose one person to go first and then each other person who knocked will go in turn. We will continue this way through the entire piece. [Read it again] FFW: Write about something in your life that you strongly identify with; something that you feel represents you (this could be an object, but could also be a talent, a hobby, a person, etc however you understand the prompt). (5 minutes) FFW: Now write from someone elses perspective. If someone saw you with this thing you strongly identify with, what impression of you would you most like them to make of you based on their observations of you with this thing? (5 minutes) FFW: Now write about how you would feel if you lost the thing you have been writing about, if you could never connect with it again. (5 minutes) Choose one of the above and share. Process: How was the experience of writing about yourself? Was it easy? Was it challenging? (5 minutes) Share.

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