Name: Flor Del Carmen Alvarado Mejia Career: English Major Tittle of The Activity: Vark Inventory Learning Style YEAR: 2011

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INTRODUCTION The main purpose of the report is make us a self-evaluation in order to know about the type of learning style preferences that we have which give us an idea about our strengths and weaknesses too. Vark is a program in which through 16 questions people know the way in which they take in, give out information and how people use information which give the opportunity to increase the ability in some areas that are more difficult for us. Vark alert people of the different approaches of the learning, support those who have been having some difficulty in some areas it can be Visual, Aural, Read/Write or Kinesthetic ability. Knowing your personal learning style is so important because according to the learning of style that a person have can increase some abilities but also can develop others abilities that are complex for him. Although when a person knows their style of earning gives the opportunity to think in some different strategies that can lead to success in any learning environment.

The test result and the description of my learning style My scores were:

Visual: 5 Aural: 6 Read/Write: 4 Kinesthetic: 7

I have a multimodal (VARK) learning preference

Multimodal Study Strategies The multimodal style of learning means that I have a combination of potentialities of the learning styles. The result means that I have category means that I have potential in the four areas as learning styles. Having a multimodal style means that I can be more flexible about how I take in and give out information than those with a VARK profile that emphasizes a single preference. Some of the advantages of being a multimodal are that: I tend to be able to match my preferences with whatever mode is being used; I have the ability to "switch on" their Read/write preference. I take advantages using the kinesthetic skill working with it, to try to do something and become practical. I Switch from mode to mode and I have the flexibility to adapt to a number of different modes both incoming and outgoing. According to my score, Kinesthetic category is the highest which means that I can take in the information: all your senses - sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing, but Read/Write category is the lowest which means that I need to use different strategies in order to increase that ability.

The VARK Questionnaire Results :Visual: 5; Aural: 6; Read/Write: 4; Kinaesthetic: 7 INTAKE Visual=5 Pictures, videos, posters, slide. Textbooks with diagrams and pictures Graphs Flow chart Underlying different colors highlighters Symbols

SWOT Reconstruct the images in different ways Try different spatial arrangements Redraw your pages from memory. Study without tears Read and summarized notes aloud. Explain your notes to another 'aural' person. Ask others to 'hear' your understanding of a topic. Talk about your learning to others or to yourself. Put your summarized notes onto tapes and listen to them. Write out the words again and again. Read your notes (silently) again and again. Rewrite the ideas and principles into other words. Organize any diagrams, graphs ... into statements, e.g. "The trend is..." Turn reactions, actions, diagrams, charts and flows into words.

OUTPUT Draw things, use diagrams Recall the pictures made by your pages Write exam answers Practice turning your visuals back onto words. Practice speaking your answers. Listen to your voices and write them down. Tune into the teachers talking about the topics. Spend time in quiet places recalling the big ideas.

Aural= 6

Read/Write= 4

Use email and cellphones. Explain new ideas to others. Explain what happened to others. Discuss topics with other students. Text a summary of the main points of the class to a friend. Attend as many classes and teaching sessions as you can. Leave spaces in the class notes for later recall and 'filling'. Lists, headings, dictionaries, glossaries, definitions. Handouts, textbooks, readings - library Notes (often verbatim) Essays Manuals (computing and laboratory

To perform well in any test, assignment or examination:

Write exam answers, practice with multiple choice questions, Write paragraphs, beginnings and endings, Write your lists (a,b,c,d,1,2,3,4). Arrange your words into hierarchies and points. Write practice answers, paragraphs... Role play the exam situation in your own room.


All your senses - sight, touch, smell, hearing ... Laboratories Field trips Field tours Examples of principles Lecturers who give real-life examples Applications Hands-on approaches (computing) Trial and error

Remember the "real" things that happened. Put plenty of examples into your summary. Use case studies and applications to help with principles and abstract concepts. Talk about your notes with another "K" person. Use pictures and photographs that illustrate an idea. Go back to the laboratory or your lab manual.

CONCLUSION This test has been a new experience for me and is so interesting and have helped me a lot because through this test I could evaluated myself and now I know my strengths and where I have to make an effort to increase some areas of learning and teaching process, my result of the test were a multimodal learning preference which means that I apply the four different skill in my learning process. For me the results are according to my learning style because I apply those skills to make a better job and have better result and get more benefits.

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