Week 3 - Temptation

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What was the most recent

temptation that you have experienced? What did you do when you were being tempted? How did you feel when you were being tempted?

There are moments when we are greatly tempted to do bad things. We give all our efforts not to fall into temptation. Jesus teaches us to resist falling into temptation.

Jesus went alone to the desert and prayed for 40 days. There, He was tempted.

- To turn the

stones into bread

Matthew 4: 3-4

Human beings need food for the body. Our soul also needs the Word of God, the Bread of Life.

- To test God

to save Him.
Matthew 4: 7

We need to have faith in God and trust Him always.

Jesus must kneel to Satan so that He can have all the kingdoms of the earth.

God is the only one whom we should love and adore. Not even riches, wealth, or material things can replace His love for us.

He was a man like us,

except sin. He was at his weakest point.

Yet, He did not sin.

Like Jesus, we are also tempted. Where do temptations come from?

Temptations can come from

our own desires.

- Cheating to get high grades - Bullying others to be powerful

Temptations can also come

from other people. Some are bad influences also.

Temptations can come from

our desire to have more: > Power > Pleasure or Happiness > Penny or Wealth

Temptation is not yet a sin.

We only commit sin when we give in to it.

How can you resist temptation?

Keep busy in doing what is good. Pray always. Listen to the advice of your

parents and teachers. Go to confession and receive communion. Read the Bible always.

We have to be alert and to watch out temptations. We need to pray to the Holy Spirit to help us choose what is right and to avoid temptations.

Why was Jesus tempted?

Can we resist temptations?

Why or Why not? Who can help us avoid temptations?

Why is temptation not a

sin? When does temptation become a sin? Why do we temptations in life?

Pray to the Holy Spirit to help us do what is good and avoid falling into temptations.

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