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Assessment Planning for GRCC Institutional Learning Outcomes

The following handout is intended to be used to develop an assessment plan for a specic learning outcome. The process used here could be applied to other learning outcomes as needed. Outcome: Students will... collaborate as an effective team member. Positive Expectations What qualities would you observe for this outcome from individual students? Negative Expectations

What evidence from student work would suggest this outcome?

You can identify these on your own, or in a group discussion with colleagues within your department or program. Save the positive expectations for use in developing a rubric specic to your class or an activity that might take place in your class. Negative expectations represent the barriers to this outcome that you will likely need to address through the design of learning tasks and instruction for your class.

Breaking Down the Outcomes

List the appropriate components of this outcome as the align to the GRCC Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) for students. These will be used in the assessment plan and rubric for the collaborative task. What aspects of this outcome are related to communication skills (students effectively expressing and exchanging ideas through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and other modes of interpersonal expression)? What aspects of this outcome are related to critical thinking skills (students can gather and synthesize relevant information, evaluate alternatives, and implement creative and effective solutions)?

What aspects of this outcome are related to social responsibility skills (students can practice community engagement that addresses environmental responsibility, social justice, and cultural diversity)?

What aspects of this outcome are related to personal responsibility skills (students become independent learners who understand and express lifelong skills for physical, social, economic, mental, and emotional health)?

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