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Student Senate 1 Outreach Meeting of the 25 Session 1 September 2011 Drake Room Olmsted Center A.

. Healthy food options from Sodexo should be available to all students a. B. Sodexos Student Board of Directors meeting is Sept 23
rd st th

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) representative around table a. Assigned to Student Affairs Committee (Senator Hendzel)


Continue getting students connected w/ Organizations a. Link to community page on Senate website


Continue getting students to connect w/ other students a. Having an active student union can help i. Assigned to Campus Advancement Committee (Senator Karaz)


Mold! A problem in some Residence Halls a. Assigned to Buildings & Grounds, to communicate to Jolene Schmidt & Mark Chambers


Leadership problem, too many leaders not enough followers a. Assigned to Senator Thomas


Printing/Copying issues a. Help info displayed on each printer

b. Find source of the money for the $20 printing credit i. Assigned to Senator Slade H. Neglected upper-classmen halls a. I. Make it known that we want renovations in the upper-classmen halls before other projects

Weekly/Monthly newsletter communication a. Senate Spotlight in TD

b. Monthly SBP email c. Posters advertising activities and issues

d. Outreach groups e. Feedback & comment board/poster i. Assigned to Senator Hogan f. Complaint& comment forms/tickets i. Ready by next outreach cycle J. More options for students late night and on weekends a. Club Olmsted

b. 18+ Club near campus


Friday FYS meeting a. PAB aware of issue


Commuter parking a. Change 15mins free to 30mins free i. Assigned to President Larson for discussion with Parking Committee


Drake Lake persists a. Save the prairie! i. Need more information about reasons for removal. 1. Assigned to Senator Riebel


Ice Machines in Halls, possible ice wars a. Assigned to Campus Advancement Committee (Senator Karaz)


New Senate website a. Assigned to PR, Sarah Coffey

b. With new site launch have link posted on front page of P. Board of Student Communications (BSC) a. Q.

Presentation on BSC issues to bring Senators up to speed

2 Outreach Meeting, September 29th a. Find a new location

b. Advertise to students to get more people involved

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