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SHORT STORY Arlene Nidea There were 2 critically ill patients in an ICU bed

The first pt. was luckily placed near a window Often times he boast this to his roommate I can see the sky in a uniform cloudless glimpse. I can see people in unison with matching colored I can hear an array of marching band that plays music around my ears I can hear the squirp of couple birds flew from one tree to another I can feel the fleeting breeze rattled the leaves in the nearby trees Bends the heads of the tulip bud flowers That shimmers whenever the rays of the morning sun struck them. The poor pt. who was lying on the other bed is just trying to imagine & wonder what seems to be the life outside by just painting pictures in his minds as if it was turning into lively creatures. He said that his roommate as well as his friend is lucky enough to be placed in a room with that location beside the window. Few months passed the pt. that is lying near the window suddenly died... And the patient nearby has fully recovered from his illness & wondered how come his friend died with such an opportunity to be part of the outside worlds? He asked the nurse if he could transfer his bed near the window where his friend is formerly placed. The nurse with astonishing gaze asked back the pt... In my long term of service here , how come there's a window beside his friends bed wherein it was just a blank wall in there?

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