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ea er) Analog Electronics 7 Technical Publications Pune” ‘Table of Contents : ee Chapter- 1 Feedack Amplifiers 1-1) to (1_- 104) Chapter-2 Oscillators (2 = 1) to (2 - 90) Chapter- 3 Multivibrators and Blocking Oscillators (3 - 1) to (3 - 126) Chapter-4 High Frequency Amplifiers (4 - 1) to (4 - 52) Chapter-§ Tuned Amplifier (5 - 1) to (5 - 54) Chapter-6 Power Amplifiers [Large Signal Amplifiers} (6 - 1) to (6 - 88) Appendix-A Schmitt Trigger using Op-amp (A- 1) to (A- 16) Chapterwise University Questions with Answer (P= 1) to (P--24) (3) Features of Book — |® Use of clear, plain and lucid ‘language making the understanding very easy. |# Use of informative, self explanatory diagrams, plots and graphs. ‘* Excellent theory well supported with the practical examples and illustrations. ‘* Important conc#pts are highlighted using Key Points throughout the book. \# Large number of solved examples. |# Approach of the book resembles classroom teaching. l® Book provides detailed insight into the subject. 1 Stepwise oxplanation to mathomatical derivations for casier understanding. Best of Technical Publications a As per Revised Syllabus of RTU - 2006 Course Semester - IV (ECE) “© Electromagnetic Field Theory (4) S et Analog Electronics ISBN 9788184316100 All rights reserved with Technical Publications, Ne part of this book should be reproduced in any form, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopy or any information storage and retrigval system without prior permission in writing, from Technical Publications, Pune. Published by : Technical Publications Pune® #1, Amit Revicleney, 412, Shaniwar Peth, Pune - 411 030, MS. India, Printer : Alet OTPincers Sno. 10/3, Sehayad Read, Pune = 431-041 1H! The importance of Analog Electronics is well known in various engineering fields. Overwhelming response to our books on various subjects inspired us to write this book. The book is structured to cover the key aspects of the subject Analog Electronics. The book uses plain, lucid language to explain fundamentals of this subject. The book provides logical method of explaining various complicated concepts and stepwise methods to explain the important topics. Each chapter is well supported with necessary illustrations, practical examples and solved problems. All the chopters in the book are arranged in a proper sequence that permits each topic to build upon earlier studies. All care has been taken fo make students comfortable in understanding the basic concepts of the subject. The book not only covers the entire scope of the subject but explains the philosophy of the subject. This makes the understonding of this subject more clear and makes it more interesting. The book will be very useful not only to the students but also to the subject teachers. The students have to- omit nothing and possibly hove to cover nothing more. We wish to express our profound thanks to all those who helped in making this book a reality. Much needed moral support and encouragement is provided on numerous cccasions by our whole fomily. We wish to thank the Publisher and the entire team of Technical Publications who have taken immense pain to get this book in time with quality printing. Any suggestion for the improvement of the book will be acknowledged and well oppreciated. Authors U. A Bakshi A. P. Godse Dedteated to Gururaj, Neha and Rutuvas Table of Contents Chapter-i_Feedback Amplifiers cree _ (1) to (4= 104y, 1.2 Classification of Amplifiers... s 1.2.1 Voltage Amplifier... 0. ses sess cette es ee este ee eee eee teneeeereneneeenssten 1.2.3 Transconductance Amplifier 1.2.4 Transresistance Amplifier 1.3 Block Diagram...... 1.3.1 Sampling Network... . ees cccesnseecree seen eeeneneereeneteeesesereeesecesy 1-4 1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Negative Feedback. 1.4.1 Advantages 1.4.2 Disadvantages... . 00.00. sce eens cece ee eens reeset ees 4-7 1.5 The Four Basic Feedback Topologies...............sssssssssermucsuessueresserssenel 7 1.6.1 Loop Gain........................ 1.6.2 Desensitivity of Gain... 1.7 Cut-off Frequencies with Feedback a Distortion with F . 1.8.4 Frequency Distortion... ... 20... .. sce esses eee sees este eee eee sees VN 1.9 Input and Output Resistances....... 4.9.1 Input Resistance oo... .. cscs cee e eee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseueeeseres 1.10 Summary of Effect of Negative Feedback on Amplifier... 1.11 Method of Identifying Feedback Topology and Analysis of a Feedback Transistor Emitter Follower 0 he FET Source Follower 1-29 Voltage Series FeedbackPair 1-3 1.42.2 Curent Series Feedback. Common Emitter Configuration with UnbypassodR, oss 1-35 Cammon Source Configuration wihR,Unbypassed . J... . 1-37 1.12.3 Current Shunt Feedback... 1.42.4 Voltage Shunt Feedback... .....cse cesses esses eevee nese sees seeeeeeees - 1.13 Nyquist Criterion for Stability of Feedback Amplifiers... Examples with Solutions... Exercise Problems on Feedback Amplifier: 2.4.3 Based on the Range of Operating Frequency ..........0scceeeueeseeeeeeeeeeee 2-8 2.5.5 Advantages. 2.5.6 Disadvantages 2.5.7 Phase Shift Oscillator using Op-amp_ ilk 2.6 Wien Bridge Oscillator 2.5.1 Derivation for Frequency of Oscillations.......- 2-20...) )eeeeeeeee ee 2.6.2 Transistorised Wien Bridge Oscillator ...............0............e.00 ss 2.6.3 Wien Bridge Oscillator using Op-aMp ......eeeee esses ees seer ee eeeneneneere 2.6.4 Wien Bridge Oscillator using FET, ........- 2... 2.7 Comparison of RC Phase Shift and Wien Bridge Oscillators...... 2.9.2 Derivation of Frequency of Oscillations .........--.......) eee 2-39 2.9.3 FET Hartley Oscillator... 2.2... es eee eee eee eee ees 2-44 2.9.4 Hartley Oscillator using Op-amp.. es esses eeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeseaueee 2-45 2.10 Colpitts Oscillator. 2.10.1 Transistorised Colpitts Oscillator... .. os eee eee eee 2-47 2.10.2 Derivation of frequency of Oscillations... ....... cece e eee sess ceeeseeeeetes 2-48 2.10.3 Colpitts Oscillator using Op-amp . 2.10.4 Colpitts Oscillator using FET 0.0... 00. cccecceeereeeeneeneeeeeeesanenes 2.11 Clapp Oscillator 2.14.1 Derivation of Frequency of Oscillations ...... . 2.11.2 Advantages. . . 2.12 Tuned Collector Oscillator 2D 2.13 Frequency Stability of Oscillator... 2-61 2.13.1 Factors Affecting the Frequency Stability... 0.0... seeseeserssseeseeeeereeeee 2-61 2.14 Crystal Oscillators. 2-62 2.14.1 Constructional Details... sees et 2 BG 2.44.2 AC, Equivalent Circuit . 2.14.3 Series and Parallel Resonance . aeeesensese Do BG 2.14.4 Crystal Stability. ... .. cee eee eee eee eee eee 2-66 2.14.5 Pierce Crystal Oscillator... 0.6.00. e eee e eee sees ees s crete seen res 2°66 2.14.6 Miller Crystal Oscillator... o.oo eee eee eee ete eee te ee eee enter ees 2-67 2.15 Amplitude Stabilization... Examples with Solutions. BA AOD UCL aac ee EE 3.2 Types of Multivibrators ........ 3-1 3.2.1 Bistable Muttivibrator oo. ss ses eset settee ete teeee sts ete eeee eee DAk 3.2.2 Monostable Multivibrator......... we 3-2 3.3.2 Loading Considerations . . . 33.24 Design of Ftd Bas stale Miao. 3.3.3 Self Biased Transistor Bistable Multivibrator . . Design of Self Biased Bistable Multivibrator . . be ee 3-18 3.3.4 Speed-up Capacitors or Commutating Capacitors . 3.3.5 Appli 3.4 Collector Coupled Monostable Multivibrator.... 3-21 3.4.1 Pulse Width of Collector Coupled Monostable Multivibrator....................- 3-22 t 7 3-24 3.4.3 Applications 3.5 Emitter Coupled Monostable Multivibrato! B51 Waveforms 4.5.2 Extreme LimitsofVo 3.5.3 Gate Width of Emitter Coupled Monoshot................-....--....... -- 3-33 3.6 Triggering of Monostable Multivibrator ...... 0... SBA 3.7 Collector Coupled Astable Muttivibrator ...... sores B= 3D 4.7.4 Applications ....... Pperervedrsd?r?rttt??s eee eee eee ee eee 2 3-dt 3.8 Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator ........ 3.8.1 Operation and Mathematical Analysis... 2... 0.0... sc. e eee sees eee GHAR 3.8.2 Expression for Time Period 3.8.3 Practical Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator . . 1.8.4 Advantages of Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator. 18.5 Disadven of Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator ...................00. 909 3.9 Schmitt Trigger Circuit 3.9.1 Operation of the Circuit... eee eee eee cee eee eee cee es OBR 39.2 Hysteresis ... 3.9.3 Applications 3.9.4 Function of C;. 3.9.5 Designing the Schmilf Trigger .......-..ceeseeseeeseceeeseeeseesessese ees O° OB 3.10 Introduction to Blocking Oscillators 00... eee ee ceed = 5B Urheberrechtlich geschiitztes Material

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