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Blue Cross Blue Shield Nemours


Blank walls Old Hospital and Doctors office equipment 5-2-1- Almost None brochure A survey to receive a free gift AFTER. >>>>>

Sample of the 5 Section

Sample of the 5 Section

Create a fun way for kids to learn about fruits and vegetables An interactive food pyramid Wall sized Static Cling

Sample of the 2 Section

Sample of the 2 Section

Satisfies screen time but as an exercise activity Will be a great experience Many schools currently use a DDR

Sample of the 1 Section

Sample of the 1 Section

Sample of the Almost None Section

Sample of the AN Section

Sugar demonstration School lunch calorie counter Energy calculator diagram Whoa, Go, and Slow food alternatives School lunch contest

Borders for each section

A small white strip of wall will border each section to give them space BCBS logos can go in this space as borders

Curriculum Changes
Sample of the sugar demonstration will be sent to schools Eliminate one of the jobs Update the Biz-Briefs to reflect the job change and responsibilities All of the students in the section should be an expert of the sections

A case will now coincide with BCBS insurance A representative from BCBS will speak on insurance during the final town meeting Only the CEO & CFO will get insurance cards to start the day Employees will receive benefits after theyve seen the rewards New Survey on school lunch

The Food Pyramid has been approved The DDR has been approved Optional workout bike with game attached Sugar demonstration has been approved Energy Calculator plaque has been approved School lunch survey has been approved Mock school lunch game for prizes has been approved BCBS wall has been approved; add all the content they want

Floor plan of BizTown

Blue Cross Blue Shield/Nemours

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