The Liberal Party

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The Liberal Party Ang Partido Liberal

Noon Ngayon Liberal Marangal

The second oldest party in the Philippines Founded by Pres. Roxas after World War Two

Requisites of an ideal liberal:

Fight for what he believes in but concedes to those who disagree with him the right to fight in a manner, so long as they are fair. Believes in there is such a thing as truth Believes that the people may not always be right but if given free reign prosperity will occur Believes in progress Believes in reasons and enlightenment rather than superstition, in judgement rather that passion , in debate rather than intrigue

I. Social Philosophy
Anchored in the freedom of the people Aligned with good governance Pro-people empowerment

II. Social Vision

To be an alternative to traditional politcs To empower the Philippine Economy To have a good government To obtain true people empowerment

III. Programs of L.P.

b. Political Programs a. Social Programs

c. Economic Programs

a. Social Programs
1. Created and enforced based on principles on moral ciizenship Labor


Agrarian Reform
Urban Land Reform


Improvement of social services

Cultural Heritage

b. Political Programs 1. Peace and Human Rights 2. Strengthening Local Autonomy 3. Democratizising elections 4. Bureaucratic Reform

c. Economic Programs
1. Make the Philippines globally competitive. 2. Generate Employments 3.Taxation 4.Environmental Protection

IV. The Partys Strategy

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