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Joy of Science #22 & #23

1) Carbon has an unparalleled ability to form what kind of a bond? a) covalent b) metallic c) ionic d) unbreakable

2) More than 90 of all known compounds contain carbon. What is the science called that is dedicated to the chemistry of carbon bonds? a) carbon chemistry b) physics c) organic chemistry 3) Carbon can form double and even triple bonds with itself. a) True b) False 4) When two molecules approach each other, every electron and proton in one molecule experiences an electrostatic force from every electron and proton in the other. Electrons in both molecules shift and result in small attractive force between the molecules. What is this attraction called? a) covalent attraction b) polymer attraction c) straight-chain attraction d) van der Waals attraction d) biology

5) Molecules held together by the type of attraction in question #4 form a strong bond that is very hard and tough to break. a) True b) False 6) The four states of matter are solids, liquids, gasses and what other state that is the most common state in of matter found in the universe? a) lava b) light c) plasma 7) A gas is a collection of atoms that ( ) to fit the available volume. a) expands b) drops an electron shell c) contracts d) attains a magic number 8) What two major forces can induce changes of state in chemical compounds? a) hot and cold b) temperature and pressure c) gravity and velocity d) radiation and emission d) vapor

9) When we raise the pressure on an element in an experiment, we are said to raise pressure a certain amount of a) kilograms b) atmospheres c) pounds per inch d) metric tons

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