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Joy of Science #7

1) Newton had shown deep, abiding order in the universe, but scientists were still puzzled well into the 19th century about the riddle of: a) thunder and lightning b) gravity and orbits c) heat and light 2) The study of energy is called: a) thermodynamics c) physics b) kinetics d) calorics d) republicans and democrats

3) Energy is the ability to do work, which has a very specific meaning in physics. The unit of measurement of this work is call the a) watt b) megawatt c) newton d) joule

4) Kinetic, Potential, and Wave are forms of what? a) mass b) inertia c) energy d) acceleration

5) Antoine Lavoisier described heat as a massless fluid that flows from object to object. This is called the _________________ theory. a) caloric c) metaphoric b) historic d) metamorphic

6) Benjamin Thompson, or Count Rumford, invented which two things which gained him fame and wealth. What are they? a) Rumford baking powder and baking soda b) the washer and dryer c) the lightning rod and electric wire d) the modern cookstove and fireplace

7) Rumford, in his work with canons, realized that heat was produced by a mechanical action called: a) friction c) parabola b) torsion d) radiation

8) The caloric theory was abandoned forever when Sir Humphrey Davy: a) bored holes in a canon producing heat b) attached a key to a kite string, as Franklin imitate in the future c) melted ice in the cold just by rubbing it together d) performing an "indian burn" on Antoine Lavoisier

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