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Joy of Science #49 & #50

1) Most cells divide by the process of mitosis, in which one parent cell becomes: a) two different daughter cells b) a sperm cell c) two identical daughter cells d) and egg cell 2) Another name for the kind of cell replication that sex cells undergo is: a) meiosis b) hemotosis c) cross breeding d) osmosis 3) A mistake in the amino acid chain causing proteins to be shaped in odd and new ways is called: a) deviation b) ionization c) mutation d) amino mistakarino 4) This pioneering researcher and crystallographer took pictures of DNA with an x-ray and shared them in order to discover the nature of the double helix: a) Rosalind Franklin b) Marie Curie c) Antoinette Duvoiser d) Aretha Franklin 5) These two researchers won the Nobel Prize for revealing the structure and arrangement of DNA in the double helix. a) Andrew Breitbart and James Dugger b) D.H. Lawrence and Fred Sanford c) Victor Hugo and Lee Miserable' d) James Watson and Francis Crick 6) What best describes the double helix of DNA a) a spiral staircase c) a pie chart

b) a twisted ladder d) a bolt of lightning

7) What is the name of the project that provided a detailed map of the distribution of genes on each of the 23 pairs of the human chromosomes and determines the sequence of all three billion letters of the human genetic message? a) The Human Fund b) The Homo Sapiens Sequence c) The Human Genome Project d) The Code of Humanity 8) The four-letter alphabet of DNA (A,C,G,T) somehow must be translated into the correct sequence of the 20 amino acids for each protein. In this process of protein synthesis, what "helper" or "messenger" was discovered that allows this to come about? a) white phosphorus b) aminogamma c) nucleotides d) RNA (ribonucleic acid) 9) What image best describes the copying of DNA information in protein synthesis? a) unzipping a zipper b) buttering some bread c) cutting the head off a chicken d) a whirling dervish 10) What is the simplest of all gene carrying entities that tricks a host cell to let it in and then makes copies of itself? a) ribosome b) virus c) protozoa d) quark

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