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Today we are going to show you how to prepare Bolognese spaghetti and garlic bread.

The ingredients you will need are:

INGREDIENTS *14 Tomatoes *1 green chile *1 onion *A pinch of oregano *5 garlic cloves *A bar of butter *1 bunch coriander *A half bottle of vegetable oil *1 spoon salt *an egg *one piece of bagette bread *ground beef *Special cheese *A little packet of garlic salt *A packet of spaghetti *A bar of margarine

Lets begin with the first step

Put a liter of water to boil and add 2 spoons of vegetables oil in it. Then add 250 grams of spaguetti and cooked for 10 minutes.

In the meantime,we season the ground beef by adding an egg and chopped toamato and garlic salt.

Make some groud beef ball and then cooked it

While cooking the beef ball, Let's prepare the tomato sauce.

FIRST, Cut the tomatoes into pieces and then put them in the blender with some pices of onion and green chile.

After getting the blend of tomatoe souce put it into the pot till boil

Then chop up some coriander leaves

We have the spaghetti. Now, we can continue with the preparation.

In the followings steps, we will explain, how to mix the beef balls, tomato sauce and the special cheese.

Now grease the cake thin with some margarine.

Put the spaguetti, groud beef roll and chop corianter into the tray .

And add the tomatoe sauce.

Cut into slices the special cheese and put it in the top of the food.

Then baked into the oven for 15 minutes.

And after 15 minutesour delicious Bolognese spaghetti is done.

In the next steps, we are going to show you, how to prepare the garlic bread.

Now we are going to prepare the garlic bread!!!!!!

Make a mix with the butter and 5 crushed garlic cloves . Then put some dry leaves of oregano in a frying pan till they will cooked

Cut into many slides the bagette bread.

Spread the garlic mixture on the slices bread. This is going to taste great!!

Then add some pieces of special cheese till cover each one all.

And add a pinch of oregano .

When they are ready bake them for 5 minutes.


Now its the fire prove!!we are going to taste it

It looks delicious!!!!!!

It aprroved

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