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NAME Razorback Hound


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Several generations ago, a small group of Kroot was mistakenly left behind on a uninhabited planet that was lush with jungle life. Though uninhabited by sentient beings, the jungle was teeming with lizards of all sorts, many of them huge, deadly, and aggressive. Forced to defend themselves, the Kroot killed and ate many of the giant lizards that attacked them. The Kroot soon came to rely upon the lizards for food. Over the generations, a select group of Kroot slowly began to evolve in order Adam Bjornholm managed to find some time in his busy "I'm a techie web guy" schedule to to adapt to this new world. make a creature for this article. So let's see how he claims to have made his Razorback Hound: These newly evolved Kroot were excellent at hunting down and fighting off the local lizards. Now, the Razorback Hound serves as a vital part of this marooned Kroot colony's survival. SIZE LOCOMOTION Quadrupedal - 7 Medium - 9 pts pts ATTRIBUTES ABILITIES - Defensive Spines - Tough - 3 pts - 3 pts - Horns - 4 pts - Razor Fangs - 7 pts - Rushing Attack 7 pts I chopped the spikes off two Slann Mage-Priest Platform pieces and attached them to a Krootox body and an old Kroxigor head. Then, I used some green stuff to give it a bit more of a spine and a thick neck to make it look more menacing.

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