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Lima Area UFO Research Associates

May/June 2010

Issue #1 DEDICATION To kick off this first attempt to issue a newsletter for LAURA, The Lima Area UFO Research Associates, I would like as co-editor to dedicate this issue to my good friend and Co-Board member Lyle Gilbert. Lyle a long time friend, died at age 76, at 10:40 p.m. on Jan. 15. He was born in Stuttgart, Ark., in 1934 and attended the University of Arkansas earning his degree in agricultural engineering. He received his masters degree in engineering administration from Bradley University in Peoria, Ill. He retired as a lieutenant colonel for the Air Force, and later came to Lima as manager of engineering administration at Buckeye Lima Hamilton in 1969. He later served as director of sales for MetoKote Corp. for nearly 26 years from where he retired in 2000. Lyle was my partner in the development and construction of one of Limas first totally solar homes built in the Shawnee area. It stands today on Yellow Wood off Yoakum Rd. Lyle was truly a community leader and was involved with numerous local groups and organizations including serving on the Board of LAURA, and it was Lyle that introduced me to LAURA. It is my pleasure to count Lyle as a friend and fellow ufologist and to dedicate this first LAURA News to him. Tom Bowman


The following were present: Helena Valenti, Bruce Maccabee, Bob Prater, Tom Bowman, Mike Krick, Amber Horner, Jan Pheneger and Peggy Krick. Absent Board members included: Dianna Baughman and Mike Altenberger. Amber provided the following treasures report: Checking Acct. Bal................$517.68 Saving Acct. Bal....................$927.78 [includes .46 cents interest] Expenses................................$16.45 [post cards] Jan alerted all to the following internet address for information regarding a Big foot series. She also mentioned you can research a music group called "The Peppermint Apes" there as well. They are a hot new group out of England. What will UFO research uncover next? Amber brought in the latest issue of the "Mufon Journal" for April containing articles on : Communicating with Extraterrestrials, a book review titled "Magic Eyes Only" by Michael E. Salla, PhD., as well as a article titled "Nazi Roswell?' by Stanton T. Friedman to mention a few. The issue is available in the Club Library starting tomorrow. Discussion was held regarding "The Phoenix Lights" and Dr. Maccabee has agreed to do a program on the 19th at the regular club meeting titled "Phoenix Lights Revisited. Tom provided Bob with a rough draft of the upcoming "May-June Newsletter." If you have an article you want to include in the News send it to Bob at his email address no later than May 12 or 13 so he and Marcia have time to get it included. If you don't have Bobs address contact either Tom or Helena. Final copies are to be forwarded to Helena for distribution by email and postal mailing. Articles can relate to items occurring in May, June and early July. I see several articles in this report alone. Thinking caps on people! Next Club meeting is Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Mkt. St. Presbyterian Church. Next Board meeting is Monday June 7, 2010 at Rigali's Pizzaria.


UFO CHRONICLES Thanks to our good friend Bill Jones, Director of MUFON in the Columbus, Ohio office he has sent us information on the Annual UFO Conference of the Ozark 2010 A Spectators View. To review this synopsis of the conference click on the following site: by Tom Bowman

MUFON of Ohio is currently having its annual membership drive and the fee is $20.00. Included in this fee is the Journal they issue as well as their newsletter. Send your dues to: Rick Hilberg, MUFON of Ohio Treasurer, 377 Race Street, Berea, Ohio, 44017. Tell him you read about in the: LAURA NEWS. by Tom Bowman

ASHLAND, OHIO CONFERENCE The following article appeared in the April Issue of the MUFON of Ohio Newsletter. MUFON of OHIO presents "UFO's, Bigfoot, & Portals to an Alternate Reality...?" featuring leading ufology experts such as Ted Phillips, Stan Gordon and John Ventre. The event will be held on May 15, 2010 from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm at 1205 E. Main St. in Ashland, Oh 44805. Address shown is the Ashland County Sheriff's Office. To reach this location, From I-71 get off at US 250 Exit [exit 186]. Turn left or west on 250, do not turn again until you reach the Sheriff's Office on the left side of road, 3 miles from I-71 and just past Bob Evan's restaurant. Tickets are $20 for non-MUFON members and $10 for members. Contact Cathy Richards 4103 Wayne St. in Hilliard, Oh 43206 or phone at 614-216-2154. email: Tell them you read about in the LAURA NEWS. by Tom Bowman

TV Guide:
History Channel: Saturday, May 22
12:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM Ancient Aliens: Chariots, Gods & Beyond Ancient Aliens: The Evidence Ancient Aliens: The Visitors Ancient Aliens: The Mission Ancient Aliens: Closer Encounters Deep Sea UFOs: Red Alert. The Pacific Bermuda Triangle. National Geographic : Mysterious Science The Truth Behind Crop Circles, Sat. June 5 , 3 pm th Paranatural: Mystery Lights, Sat, June 5 , 10 am

by Bob Prater

John Timmerman and Tom Bowman will be speaking at the Van Wert, Ohio Historical Society on Sun May 23rd about UFO sightings from Ohios past. by Tom Bowman

Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking Stirs Many Debates

THE aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.

The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the worlds leading scientists, will set out his latest thinking on some of the universes greatest mysteries. Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets, but perhaps in the center of stars or even floating in interplanetary space. Hawkings logic on aliens is, for him, unusually simple. The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. In such a big place, Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved. He states that trying to make contact with alien races is a little too risky. He said: If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didnt turn out very well for the Native Americans. The completion of the documentary marks a triumph for Hawking, now 68, who is paralyzed by motor neuron disease and has very limited powers of communication. The project took him and his producers three years, during which he insisted on rewriting large chunks of the script and checking the filming. Hawking has suggested the possibility of alien life before but his views have been clarified by a series of scientific breakthroughs, such as the discovery, since 1995, of more than 450 planets orbiting distant stars, showing that planets are a common phenomenon. by Bob Prater

Dont forget to visit the new location of the office/library in room 5-6 in the lower level at New Creation Lutheran Church at 2701 Allentown Rd. Lima, Ohio. At the library you will find books, periodicals, and videos relating to the study of the UFO phenomenon.

From the MUFON Sighting Database

March 9th, 2010 EUCLID, Ohio -- Is something eerie over Lake Erie? A local man said he spotted a UFO and he believes it's proof we're not alone. "Absolutely nothing we have on this earth even looks like that," said Eugene Erlikh. Eugene said the unexplained lights appeared outside his house in Euclid over five nights. "It was such a brilliant beam of different lights, it was going red, yellow, green, and blue. It was never the same color it was always, like it was pulsating." The unidentified flying objects remain unidentified. No one knows what they were, including the 20-year old student who admits it's hard to believe. Carla Jackson is a non-believer. "I mean, we're not too far from Canada, it could've been a light show over there or something, somebody playing." "Once you see it with your own eyes," said Erlikh. "You're gonna say 'Wow, what's going on here' and why do they keep coming back in the same spot?" It's not the first time someone said they saw something over the skies of Cleveland. In 2007, a group of people downtown said they saw what they thought was a UFO over Key Tower. And according to the National UFO Reporting Center, many additional sightings in Cleveland have been made in the past. "Camera trick," said Carla Jackson. "I have to be there to actually see it." 4

But Erlikh wonders, "Why are they there? Why do they keep coming back, the same time, the same area? There is absolutely no reason." The U.S. and Canadian Coast Guard and several local police departments did not receive any additional reports of sightings. See more in a video on Fox 8 News, Cleveland,0,6755335.story by Bob Prater

If you are interested in astronomy, here is a link to a computer program called Stellarium. It is a planetarium for your computer and shows constellations, artificial satellites, stars, etc. as they move through space. There is a bit of a learning curve to the program. It is a 45mb download.

by Bob Prater FROM THE FILERS FILES The following is just a sample of the latest contained in the "Filers Files #19-2010" dated May 5, 2010: On March 30, 2010, George Ritter informs Filer he had videotaped nine objects leaving what he described a Mother Ship after midnight. You can see this video at the following site:" . The above, and page after page of UFO articles is available by subscribing to the Filers Files to support George and his work. Your check for $25 can be sent to George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, N.J. 08055 For a donation of $50 a DVD covering the past 11 years of the Filers Files along with a current one year subscription is available. I am suggesting at the June Board meeting we make this $50 donation on behalf of LAURA. When subscribing for this item make sure to include your email address and your mailing address as well. The DVD will then be available to all thru our Office Library. Remember the Office also has the copy of the MUFON Investigators Guide Manual for your viewing , as well as over 100 videos, plus magazines, journals, etc. Should any of you wish a copy of the above mentioned report #19 contact me at and I will forward you a email copy. For printed copies send me a mailing and $3 to cover the ink and postage cost and I will mail you a copy. Wish I could do it cheaper. by Tom Bowman
The LAURA Club News is a publication of the Lima Area UFO Research Associates, in Lima, Ohio. The study group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Market Street Presbyterian Church in the fellowship hall at 7pm-please join us!

Contacts: President Mike Krick; Secretary: Tom Bowman; Co-editors: Robert and Marcia Prater 5

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3. 4. 6. 9. 10. 12. 14. 16. 17. 19. 20. Flying objects from Sweden (1940's) (2 words) City of famous 1997 sighting. Kecksburg object shaped like this. Other wordly Chariots of the Gods author Von _____ Building storing UFO. Chicago organization (acronym) Popular paranormal radio host Floated Country in which most crop circles occur One who studies UFOs

1. 2. 5. 7. 8. 11. 13. 15. 18. Kenneth Arnold had his famous sighting in this state. Unfriendly post-sighting visitors (3 words) Grays have large ______ Flying Brothers Contactees met here (2 words) Krick's Position "Betty and "______" Hill Common UFO shape Often mistaken for UFO

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