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STEPS Define the problem or Study objective

What are the 2-3 main things that need answered? How will you make a decision?

Clarify schedule and cost constraints

When do you need to deliver to decision-makers?

Outline Research Design

How will you answer the key research questions? What type of analysis is needed? Will you use telephone surveys, mail surveys, internet surveys, personal interviews, focus groups, or a combination? Who should participate? What are barriers to reaching them? Have other similar studies been done? Do you want to track or trend data over time? Are you comparing to national studies? Do you need a screener / do you have skip patterns? What analysis do you intend to conduct? What population are you trying to describe? Do you need/want to represent certain sub-groups within that population? Create sample frame / selection process / sample size / acquire sample

Develop Data Collection Instrument(s)

Create Sample Plan

Outline Analysis Plan Pretest Collect Data

Match survey questions to the future analyses you intend to conduct Outline expected relationships, group differences, etc. Internally with work colleagues first Externally with 1-2 actual respondents Test flow / timing / interpretations Often the longest step in the process allow for ample data collection time in your schedule A market research vendor will clean data, code open ended questions, provide data tabulations and raw data Are there statistical differences between groups? Test your hypotheses? What relationships exist in the data? Do you need to weight the data? Do you need additional ad hoc analysis conducted? Consider following-up with respondents Consider conducting additional qualitative research

Cleaning, Coding, Editing Analysis / Interpretation

Investigate Conflicting / Confusing Results

Prepare Report

Incorporate market research suppliers final report, results of in-depth interviews, additional in-house data analysis with your own expertise and knowledge of the issue into deliverables (report, presentation, etc.) for decisionmakers

USE Information
This is why you conducted the research, bought the study, etc.

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