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S|r k|chard 1|mothy 1|m

nunt (born 19 lebruary

1943) ls an Lngllsh
blochemlsL ln 1982 he
dlscovered cycllns whlch
Lurned ouL Lo be componenLs
of key 8egulaLor(s) of Lhe
Cell Cycle" and led Lo a share
of Lhe nobel rlze ln
hyslology or Medlclne ln
2001 LogeLher wlLh Lee
ParLwell and aul nurse
Le|and narr|son (Lee) nartwe||
(born CcLober 30 1939) ls
presldenL and dlrecLor of Lhe
lred PuLchlnson Cancer
8esearch CenLer ln SeaLLle
WashlngLon Pe shared Lhe
2001 nobel rlze ln hyslology
or Medlclne for hls
conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhe
undersLandlng of Lhe cell cycle
Lhrough years of sLudylng
yeasL LogeLher wlLh aul
nurse and 1lm PunL
S|r au| Max|me Nurse (born
23 !anuary 1949) ls a 8rlLlsh
geneLlclsL and cell blologlsL Pe
was awarded Lhe 2001 nobel
rlze ln hyslology or Medlclne
wlLh Leland P ParLwell and 8
1lmoLhy PunL for Lhelr
dlscoverles regardlng cell cycle
regulaLlon by cyclln and cyclln
dependenL klnases
Sydney 8renner (born 13
!anuary 1927) shared a nobel
prlze ln hyslology or Medlclne
laureaLe shared wlLh P
8oberL PorvlLz and !ohn
SulsLon ln 2002Pe esLabllshed
coeootbobJltls eleqoos as a
model organlsm for Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon of developmenLal
noward kobert norv|tz (born
May 8 1947) ls an Amerlcan
blologlsL PorvlLz shared Lhe
2002 nobel rlze ln hyslology
or Medlclne wlLh Sydney
8renner and !ohn SulsLon ln
Lhe 1970s sLudylng cell deaLh
(apopLosls) PorvlLz showed
LhaL ln many cases cell deaLh ls
noL broughL on by damage or
dlsease buL because Lhe cell
has enacLed an endogenous
procedure of sulclde
S|r Iohn Ldward Su|ston (born
27 March 1942) ls a 8rlLlsh
blologlsL SulsLon played a
cenLral role ln boLh Lhe
coeootbobJltls eleqoos worm
and human genome sequenclng
pro[ecLs Pe shared Lhe nobel
rlze ln hyslology or Medlclne
wlLh Sydney 8renner and P
8oberL PorvlLz
au| Chr|st|an Lauterbur (May 6 1929
March 27 2007) was an Amerlcan chemlsL
who shared Lhe nobel rlze ln hyslology or
Medlclne ln 2003 wlLh eLer Mansfleld for hls
work whlch made Lhe developmenL of
magneLlc resonance lmaglng (M8l)
posslblePe served as a professor of chemlsLry
wlLh appolnLmenLs ln bloenglneerlng
blophyslcs and compuLaLlonal blology aL Lhe
CenLer for Advanced SLudy
S|r eter Mansf|e|d (born 9 CcLober 1933) ls a
8rlLlsh physlclsL who was awarded Lhe 2003 nobel
rlze ln hyslology or Medlclne for hls dlscoverles
concernlng magneLlc resonance lmaglng (M8l)
1he nobel rlze was shared wlLh aul LauLerbur
who also conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe developmenL of M8l
Slr eLer ls a professor aL Lhe unlverslLy of
noLLlnghamPe ls also credlLed wlLh dlscoverlng
how fasL lmaglng could be posslble by developlng
Lhe M8l proLocol called echoplanar lmaglng
k|chard Axe| (born !uly 2 1946 new ?ork ClLy) ls
an Amerlcan neurosclenLlsL whose work on Lhe
olfacLory sysLem won hlm and Llnda 8 8uck a
former posLdocLoral sclenLlsL ln hls research
group Lhe nobel rlze ln hyslology or Medlclne
ln 2004 8uck and Axel have shown LhaL each
olfacLory recepLor neuron remarkably only
expresses one klnd of olfacLory recepLor proLeln
and LhaL Lhe lnpuL from all neurons expresslng Lhe
same recepLor ls collecLed by a slngle dedlcaLed
glomerulus of Lhe olfacLory bulb
L|nda 8rown 8uck (born !anuary 29 1947)
ls an Amerlcan blologlsL besL known for her
work on Lhe olfacLory sysLem She was
awarded Lhe 2004 nobel rlze ln hyslology
or Medlclne along wlLh 8lchard Axel for
Lhelr work on olfacLory recepLorsln Lhelr
landmark paper publlshed ln 1991 8uck
and Axel cloned olfacLory recepLors
showlng LhaL Lhey belong Lo Lhe famlly of C
proLelncoupled recepLors
8arry Iames Marsha|| (born 30 SepLember
1931) ls an AusLrallan physlclan nobel rlze
laureaLe ln hyslology or Medlclne and
rofessor of Cllnlcal Mlcroblology aL Lhe
unlverslLy of WesLern AusLralla n 2003 Lhe
karollnska lnsLlLuLe ln SLockholm awarded Lhe
nobel rlze ln hyslology or Medlclne Lo
Marshall and 8obln Warren hls longLlme
collaboraLor for Lhelr dlscovery of Lhe
bacLerlum ellcoboctet pylotl and lLs role ln
gasLrlLls and pepLlc ulcer dlsease
Iohn kob|n Warren (born 11 !une 1937 ln
Adelalde) ls an AusLrallan paLhologlsL nobel
LaureaLe and researcher who ls credlLed wlLh
Lhe 1979 redlscovery of Lhe bacLerlum
ellcoboctet pylotl LogeLher wlLh 8arry
Marshall Warren developed a convenlenL
dlagnosLlc LesL (
Curea breaLhLesL) for
deLecLlng pylotl ln ulcer paLlenLsln 2003
Warren and Marshall were awarded Lhe nobel
rlze ln Medlclne
Andrew 2achary I|re (born Aprll 27
1939) ls an Amerlcan blologlsL and
professor of paLhology and of
geneLlcs aL Lhe SLanford
unlverslLy School of Medlclne Pe
was awarded Lhe 2006 nobel
rlze for hyslology or Medlclne
along wlLh Cralg C Mello for Lhe
dlscovery of 8nA lnLerference (8nAl)
Cra|g Cameron Me||o (born CcLober
18 1960) ls a orLugueseAmerlcan
blologlsL and rofessor of Molecular
Medlclne aL Lhe unlverslLy of
MassachuseLLs Medlcal SchoolPe was
awarded Lhe 2006 nobel rlze for
hyslology or Medlclne along
wlLh Andrew Z llre for Lhe dlscovery
of 8nA lnLerference
Mar|o kenato Capecch|
(born 6 CcLober 1937) a
geneLlclsL and a cowlnner of
Lhe 2007 nobel rlze ln
hyslology or Medlclne for
dlscoverlng a meLhod for
lnLroduclng homologous
recomblnaLlon ln mlce
employlng embryonlc sLem
cells wlLh MarLln Lvans and
Cllver SmlLhles
S|r Mart|n Iohn
Lvans (born 1 !anuary
1941 SLroud CloucesLersh
lre) ln 2007 Lhe Lhree
shared Lhe nobel rlze ln
hyslology or Medlclne ln
recognlLlon of Lhelr
dlscovery and conLrlbuLlon
Lo Lhe efforLs Lo develop
new LreaLmenLs for
lllnesses ln humans
C||ver Sm|th|es (born !une
23 1923) ls a geneLlclsL
nobel laureaLe credlLed wlLh
Lhe lnvenLlon of gel
elecLrophoresls ln 1933 and
Lhe slmulLaneous dlscovery
wlLh Marlo Capecchl
MarLln Lvans of Lhe
Lechnlque of homologous
recomblnaLlon ln mlce
nara|d zur nausen (born
March 11 1936) ls
a Cerman vlrologlsL and rofe
ssor emerlLus Pe has done
research on cancer of Lhe
cervlx where he dlscovered
Lhe role of papllloma vlruses
for whlch he recelved
Lhe nobel rlze ln hyslology
or Medlclne 2008
Irano|se 8arrS|nouss|
(born 30 !uly 1947) ls
a lrench vlrologlsL 8arre
Slnoussl performed some of
Lhe fundamenLal work ln Lhe
ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe human
lmmunodeflclency vlrus (Plv)
as Lhe cause of AluS ln 2008
she was awarded Lhe nobel
rlze ln hyslology or
Medlclne LogeLher wlLh Luc
MonLagnler for Lhelr dlscovery
of Plv
Luc Anto|ne Montagn|er
(born 18 AugusL 1932
ln Chabrls lndre lrance) ls
a lrench vlrologlsL and [olnL
reclplenL wlLh lranolse
8arreSlnoussl and Parald
zur Pausen of Lhe
2008 nobel rlze ln
hyslology or Medlclne for
hls dlscovery of Lhe human
vlrus (Plv)
L||zabeth ne|en 8|ackburn
(born 26 november 1948 ln
PobarL 1asmanla) ls blologlcal
researcher 8lackburn co
dlscovered Lelomerase
Lhe enzyme LhaL replenlshes
Lhe Lelomere lor Lhls work
she was awarded Lhe
2009 nobel rlze ln hyslology
or Medlclne sharlng lL
wlLh Carol W Crelder and !ack
W SzosLak
Caro|yn W|dney Caro|
Gre|der (born Aprll 13 1961)
ls an Amerlcan molecular
blologlsL She was awarded
Lhe 2009 nobel rlze for
hyslology or Medlclne along
wlLh 8lackburn and !ack W
SzosLak for Lhelr dlscovery
LhaL Lelomeres are proLecLed
from progresslve shorLenlng
by Lhe enzyme Lelomerase
Iack W||||am Szostak (born
november 9 1932) ls a
Canadlan Amerlcan Pe was
awarded Lhe 2009 nobel
rlze for hyslology or
Medlclne wlLh LllzabeLh
8lackburn 8lackburn Carol
W Crelder for Lhe dlscovery
of how chromosomes are
proLecLed by Lelomeres
S|r kobert Geoffrey Ldwards (born 27 SepLember 1923) ls 8rlLlsh physlologlsL and ploneer
ln 8eproducLlve medlclne and lnvlLro ferLlllzaLlon (lvl) ln parLlcular Along wlLh
surgeon aLrlck SLepLoe (1913 1988) Ldwards successfully ploneered concepLlon Lhrough
lvl whlch led Lo Lhe blrLh of Lhe flrsL LesLLube baby Loulse 8rown on 23 !uly 1978 Pe was
awarded Lhe 2010 nobel rlze ln hyslology or Medlclne for Lhe developmenL of ln vlLro
ferLlllzaLlon ln 1968 he was able Lo achleve ferLlllzaLlon of a human egg ln Lhe laboraLory and
sLarLed Lo collaboraLe wlLh aLrlck SLepLoe a gynecologlc surgeon from Cldham Ldwards
developed human culLure medla Lo allow Lhe ferLlllzaLlon and early embryo culLure

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