The Achaeans

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The Achaeans aka the Hellenes (Greeks), Danaans, and Argives. o Agamemnon King of Mycenae; leader of the Greeks.

s. o Achilles Leader of the Myrmidons, half god war hero. o Odysseus King of Ithaca; the wiliest Greek commander, and hero of the Odyssey. o Aias (Ajax the Greater) son of Telamon, with Diomedes, he is second to Achilles in martial prowess. o Menelaus King of Sparta; husband of Helen and brother of Agamemnon. o Diomedes son of Tydeus, King of Argos. o Aias (Ajax the Lesser) son of Oileus, often partner of Ajax the Greater. o Patroclus - Achilles closest companion. o Nestor - King of Pylos. The Trojan men o Hector son of King Priam; the foremost Trojan warrior. o Aeneas son of Anchises and Aphrodite. o Deiphobus brother of Hector and Paris. o Paris Helens lover-abductor. o Priam the aged King of Troy. o Polydamas a prudent commander whose advice is ignored; he is Hectors foil. o Agenor a Trojan warrior who attempts to fight Achilles. o Sarpedon, son of Zeus killed by Patroclus. Was friend of Glaucus & co-leader of the Lycians (fought for the Trojans). o Glaucus, son of Hippolochus friend of Sarpedon and co-leader of the Lycians (fought for the Trojans). o Euphorbus first Trojan warrior to wound Patroclus o Dolon a spy upon the Greek camp. o Antenor King Priams advisor, who argues for returning Helen to end the war. Paris refuses. o Polydorus son of Priam and Hecuba. The Trojan women o Hecuba Priams wife; mother of Hector, Cassandra, Paris, and others. o Helen Menelauss wife; espoused first to Paris, then to Deiphobus; Her abduction by Paris precipitated the war. o Andromache Hectors wife; mother of Astyanax o Cassandra Priams daughter; courted by Apollo, who bestows the gift of prophecy to her; upon her rejection, he curses her, and her warnings of Trojan doom go unheeded. o Briseis - a Trojan woman captured by the Greeks; she was Achilles' prize of the Trojan war.

These Olympic deities advise and manipulate the humans; except Zeus, they fight the Trojan War.

The major deities: o Zeus o Hera o Artemis o Apollo o Hades o Aphrodite o Ares o Athena o Hermes o Poseidon o Hephaestus The minor deities: o Eris o Iris o Thetis o Proteus o Scamander

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