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Egg Harbor Township High School Officers Meeting #1

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH, 2011 1) Officer To-Dos a) Frankie: Induction dinner plans / member of the month b) Bret: October 8th car wash tickets / October 22nd EHT Shoprite coin drop c) Chris B.: PAL / glow stick sales prep (next home game)

d) Lola: Activities log e) Irene: Activities forms f) Mike/Chris L.: Contact officers for bios for website / members list from Frankie to update FB

g) Juan: Preparation of video files to show at 1st general meeting / advertising for 1st general meeting 2) Coordinators a) Coin Drops: Joey Merlo b) Nerfball: Christopher Lin & Michael Rodgers & Amy Noor c) Social Events: Rebecca Schwartz & Kelli Kyle

d) Display Case: Karen Lampayan e) Membership: April Serrano & Suzanna Marrero f) Conferences: Jennifer Ye

g) March of Dimes: Josephine McGowan & Christina Ricevuto h) PAL: Naheel Naber & Louis Pera 3) Frankie discuss duties with coordinators 4) First general meeting agenda

a) Open with an icebreaker that is simple yet fun ideas? b) Show many video clips inspiring people to be a part of our organization Juan c) Each officer speaks about a certain aspect of FBLA - keep it short and simple!

d) If auditorium is unavailable lower/middle caf? e) Any other ideas for general meeting? 5) Why we need members involved and where they need to be involved a) 10/8 car wash need tickets printed ASAP and member selling b) 10/22 coin drop no more than 4 people at once at each entrance, should do 1 hour shifts for general members 6) Induction dinner a) Two options i) ii) Sheran Zhengs: costs $12 per person, charge $10 early-bird, $15 normal price Country club: costs $23 per person, charge $15 early-bird, $20 normal price

b) Must book date ASAP! c) Laura Sorice, Tim Mansure, and potentially other state officers will be attending

7) How are we going to impress members at the first general meeting to continue to be a part of FBLA?

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