2011 09 13 Simple Agenda

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011 Regular Meeting

Everett Public Schools Board of Directors Educational Service Center Board Room, 4:30 p.m.

1. Call to Order 1.01 Call to Order 2. Roll Call 2.01 Roll Call 3. Adoption of Agenda 3.01 Adoption of Agenda 4. Consent Agenda 4.01 Consent Agenda 4.02 Approval of the Personnel Report 4.03 Approval of Vouchers 4.04 Approval of Minutes of the August 23, 2011 Regular Meeting 4.05 Approval of Minutes of the August 25-26, 2011 Special Meeting 4.06 Approval of Minimum Basic Education Requirement Compliance Report 4.07 Award of Contract for Produce 4.08 Approval of Bid List for 2011-12 4.09 Acceptance of Revised District Improvement Plan for 2011-14 4.10 Approval of Carl Perkins CTE Grant 4.11 Authorization to Approve a Teacher-Principal Evaluation Pilot ESD Regional Implementation Consortia Grant Application 5. Recognitions 5.01 Recognition of New Administrators 6. Public Comments

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6.01 Audience Comments Regarding Items Not on the Agenda 6.02 Audience Comments Regarding Items on the Agenda 7. Superintendent's Report 7.01 Superintendent's Report 8. Strategic Progress Monitoring 8.01 Annual Student Achievement Report 9. Information/Discussion 9.01 Information/Discussion 10. Action 10.01 Ratification of Tentative Agreement between Everett Public Schools and the Everett Education Association 10.02 Approval of Resolution 1027, Censure No. 2 of Director Jessica Olson 10.03 Proposed Revised Board Agenda Format 10.04 Board Work Plan 2011-12 10.05 Board School Assignments for 2011-12 11. Policy Review 11.01 Policy 1410, Executive or Closed Sessions, Proposed Revision (first reading) 11.02 Policy 1421, Consent Agenda, Proposed Revision (first reading) 11.03 Policy 1440, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business, Proposed Revision (first reading) 11.04 Policy 1910, Attorney-Client Privilege, Proposed New Policy (first reading) 12. Upcoming Agenda Items 12.01 Special Meeting, September 20, 2011 12.02 Regular Meeting, September 27, 2011 13. Board-Superintendent Team Comments 13.01 Board-Superintendent Team Comments 14. Board Meeting Self-Evaluation 14.01 Board Meeting Self-Evaluation 15. Work/Study Session 15.01 Study Session: Strategic Plan Operational Implementation 16. Executive/Closed Session

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16.01 Executive/Closed Session 17. Adjourn 17.01 Adjourn

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