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Foreign Technology Collaboration in India

1) Main Aim: - Technological development - Efficiency and Productivity 2) It can be done by, - Government approval - Automatic approval 3) Helps FDI
Govt. Approval: - manufacturing + products = SSI - if it is previous agreement, joint venture or technological transfer. - Extension which has been approved earlier.

Automatic Approval:
- Royalty @ 5% on domestic sales and 8% on exports, net of taxes - Royalty up to 2% on exports and 1% also permitted for use of

Trade Marks and Brand name, without any technology transfer

- Royalty to be pay on time. - Expanded method of collaboration

Indias Competitive Strengths - Human Capital

Indias competitive edge - its highly-skilled manpower and entrepreneurial expertise
Ranks 3rd in availability of scientist and engineers Ranks 8th in quality of management schools Over 200,000 engineering graduates Over 300,000 post graduates from non-engineering colleges 2,100,000 other graduates

Knowledge workers in software industry increased from 56,000 in 1990-91 to over 70% of population by 2009-10; India would continue to be surplus in working population for a long-time
Would contribute 25% to the additional working population globally over the next 5 years. 54% of Indias population under 25 years of age

ICT Advantages
IT- ITES Exports In US $ Billion
25 23

20 17.2 15 12.8 10 10 6.2 5 8

IT ITES Industry Exports US$23 billion in 2005-06, Growth=34% 2010 exports projection : US$60 billion, to be 35% of Indias total exports High quality standards 76 SEI/CMM level 5 companies, two third of worlds total, are Indian 400 of Global Fortune 500 companies are clients of Indian firms R&D base of over 100 FORTUNE 500 companies Investment Opportunities Collaborative ICT research Joint Software development in a variety of applications Hardware manufacturing

2000-01 2001 -02 200203 200304 200405 200506


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