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Product Ownership A Story

Peter Saddington, CSM CSP Enterprise Agile Coach, Thinqube, Inc. @agilescout

Thinqube Network, Inc.

Peter Saddington - CSP, CSM,

M.A. Counseling, M.A. Educa=on
Independent Enterprise Agile Coach Over 14 years in IT Programmer, Dev Manager, Project/Program Manager, VP OperaMons, Enterprise Agile Coach Government, DoD, healthcare, web & media, telecom, nancial 404.669.6662

Lets talk about the PO for a bit Ill tell you a story Its a long day Its right aYer lunch Lets get to the point Let me brag about my daughter 35 minutes Q&A + Discussion
Thinqube Network, Inc. 3

Product Owner ResponsibiliMes

Tells the team what they need to build Creates the prioriMzed product backlog (PPLB) Represents the customer Elaborates requirements ParMcipates in scrum meeMngs Inspects the product at end Course corrects or change direcMon Communicate progress and vision
Thinqube Network, Inc. 4

Many Roles of the Product Owner

Tells the team what they need to build Creates the prioriMzed product backlog (PBI) Represents the customer Requirements ElaboraMon Communicates vision ParMcipates in scrum meeMngs Inspects the product at end Course corrects or change direcMon Communicate progress PRODUCT MANAGER PRODUCT MANAGER CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS ANALYST PRODUCT MANAGER TEAM MEMBER QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT PROJECT MANAGER

Thinqube Network, Inc.

Typical Product Ownership

PRODUCT OWNER CSM / Project Manager Developers Analysts QA UI/UX Delivery Personnel

Delivery Team

Thinqube Network, Inc.

A Simple Product
Product Owner

Team 1 Single Application Single Team

Thinqube Network, Inc.

Thinqube Network, Inc.

Thinqube Network, Inc.

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Scaling Product Ownership Check List

1. Vision Understand what the purpose is

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Process FAIL or WIN?

Thinqube Network, Inc.



Thinqube Network, Inc. 13

If you could have one thing

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Scaling Product Ownership Check List

1. Vision Understand what the purpose is 2. Business Goals Understand the Mission CriMcal prioriMes

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Thinqube Network, Inc.


[BEFORE] #FUN! Complex Product

Maj. #1 1A Lt. Col. #1 1B Prog. Man. 1C Lt. Col. #2 1D Team 1 ABCD

Single Team Portal Data Change Control Architecture

Thinqube Network, Inc. 17

Thinqube Network, Inc.


[BEFORE] Trial and Error Managing the Enterprise Backlog

Team 1A Team 1B Team 1C Team 1D

3 4


Thinqube Network, Inc. 19


Thinqube Network, Inc.


[BEFORE] Team Workload Across Teams

Team 1A Team 1B Team 1C

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1 Team 1D

Feature 1

Thinqube Network, Inc.


[BEFORE] Team Workload Adding Work

Team 1A Team 1B Team 1C

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 2

Team 1D

Thinqube Network, Inc.


[BEFORE] Team Workload - Gaps

Team 1A Team 1B Team 1C

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 2

Team 1D

Feature 2 Feature 2

Feature 2 Feature 2
Thinqube Network, Inc. 23

[BEFORE] Team Workload Full Capacity

Team 1A Team 1B Team 1C

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 3 Feature 2 Feature 2

Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 1 Feature 3 Feature 2 Feature 3

Thinqube Network, Inc.

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 2


Thinqube Network, Inc.


[BEFORE] Team Workload EsMmate

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 3 Feature 3 3 Months

Thinqube Network, Inc.


[BEFORE] Team Workload EsMmate

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 3 Feature 3 6 Months

Thinqube Network, Inc.


[BEFORE] Team Workload EsMmate

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 3 Feature 3 9 Months

Thinqube Network, Inc.


9 Months Dude! Easy-cakes!

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Team Workload Reality

Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 7 Months

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Team Workload Reality

Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 7 Months 10 Months

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Team Workload Reality

Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 7 Months 10 Months 15 Months

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Thinqube Network, Inc.


Process FAIL or WIN?

Thinqube Network, Inc.


[AFTER] MulMple Teams for SINGLE Product

Maj. #1 1 Lt. Col. #1 2 Prog. Man. 3 Lt. Col. #2 4



Change Control


Team 1

Team 2

Team Thinqube Network, Inc.

Team 4


Thinqube Network, Inc.


Thinqube Network, Inc.


[AFTER] Team Workload Balanced Approach

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1

Feature 1

Thinqube Network, Inc.


[AFTER] Team Workload Balanced Approach

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 1 Team 4

Spread your features across teams

Thinqube Network, Inc. 39

[AFTER] Team Workload Balanced Approach

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 2 Team 4

Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 2 Feature 2

Feature 2 Feature 2

After full completion of Feature 1, Thinqube Network, Feature 2! continue on to Inc.


[AFTER] Team Workload Balanced Approach

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 1 Feature 2

Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 1 Feature 1

Feature 2 Feature 2

Feature 2 Feature 2 Team 4 Feature 3


Feature 3 Feature 3

Feature 3 Feature 3

Complete all features as a single aligned-team. Thinqube Network, Inc.

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Scaling Product Ownership Check List

1. Vision Understand what the purpose is 2. Business Goals Understand the Mission CriMcal prioriMes 3. Visualize Priori>es + Limit Team WIP At enterprise level 4. Deni>on of Done Alignment for teams!
Thinqube Network, Inc. 43

CoordinaMon of Eort Product Management Alignment Team

Integration Others Architects Team 4

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Thinqube Network, Inc.


Weekly Update Team X - Sprint Y

Points CommiUed: XX Points Delivered: YY Issues/Impediments

AddiMonal Discussion Topics: 1. 2. 3.

What is prevenMng from meeMng Sprint commitment? 1. 2. What is the team doing to resolve and meet Sprint commitment? 1. 2. What is the team asking from Management to help resolve and meet Sprint commitment? 1. 2.

Thinqube Network, Inc.


Scaling Product Ownership Check List

1. Vision Understand what the purpose is 2. Business Goals Understand the Mission CriMcal prioriMes 3. Visualize Priori>es + Limit Team WIP At enterprise level 4. Deni>on of Done Alignment for teams! 5. Scrum of Scrums Remove Constraints! 6. And boom goes the dynamite.
Thinqube Network, Inc. 47

Final Results
2 week sprints Full Product Owner engagement 78% of features complete in rst 4 months 130% decrease in defects 90% of Mission CriMcal Features complete ahead of schedule (9 months) $12.7M program extended to $22.2M HAPPY CUSTOMER Thinqube Network, Inc.


Big visible charts Team alignment daily/weekly Make policies explicit Cultural change must happen Product Owners need to align and know all constraints on teams + EMPOWERMENT! RAR! One strategy doesnt always work for all Full alignment of teams isnt always possible!
Thinqube Network, Inc. 49

Peter Saddington - CSP, CSM,

M.A. Counseling, M.A. Educa=on
Independent Enterprise Agile Coach Over 14 years in IT Programmer, Dev Manager, Project/Program Manager, VP OperaMons, Enterprise Agile Coach Government, DoD, healthcare, web & media, telecom, nancial 404.669.6662


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