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Ramjet: its a jet engine with no moving parts, only fuel spayed and burned.

In a ramjet, air undergoes compression in the diffuser, then fuel is added and burnt in the burner, and then the combustion products expand through the nozzle. It is helpful to consider first a simplified model of an ideal ramjet. For ideal ramjet it is assumed that compression and expansion processes are reversible and adiabatic, that combustion occurs at constant pressure, that the air/combustion products properties (specific heat ratio and the gas constant R) are constant throughout the engine, and, although this is not necessary, that the outlet pressure is equal to the ambient pressure, in other words, that the nozzle is in the design regime. The usual tool for analysis of the processes in engines is the so-called enthalpy-entropy diagram.

Combustor As with other jet engines the combustor's job is to create hot air. It does this by burning a fuel with the air at essentially constant pressure. The airflow through the jet engine is usually quite high, so sheltered combustion zones are produced by using flame holders that stop the flames from blowing out. Since there is no downstream turbine, a ramjet combustor can safely operate at stoichiometric fuel: air ratios, which implies a combustor exit stagnation temperature of the order of 2400 K for kerosene. Normally the combustor must be capable of operating over a wide range of throttle settings, for a range of flight speeds/altitudes. Usually a sheltered pilot region enables combustion to continue when the vehicle intake undergoes high yaw/pitch, during turns. Other flame stabilization techniques make use of flame holders, which vary in design from combustor cans to simple flat plates, to shelter the flame and improve fuel mixing. Over fuelling the combustor can cause the normal shock within a supersonic intake system to be pushed forward beyond the intake lip, resulting in a substantial drop in engine airflow and net thrust.

Nozzles The propelling nozzle is a critical part of a ramjet design, since it accelerates exhaust flow to produce thrust. For a ramjet operating at a subsonic flight Mach number, exhaust flow is accelerated through a converging nozzle. For a supersonic flight Mach number, acceleration is typically achieved via a convergent-divergent nozzle

In a diffuser no heat is added to air and no work is done, but the velocity decreases. Therefore, h increases, as shown in Fig. 2 by a straight line a-d, with hd - ha equal to the kinetic energy of a unit mass in the incoming flow. Then, heat is added in the combustion process d-b. Heat addition leads to an increase in s in accordance with the formula dQ = Tds for reversible processes. Therefore, d-b goes in the direction of increasing s along the curve p = const. Along this curve hb hd represents the amount of heat added per unit mass of air. In the nozzle no heat is added and no work is done, therefore, the total enthalpy is constant, but kinetic energy increases and h decreases, with hb he giving the kinetic energy of a unit massin the exhaust jet.

The ramjet engine is the simplest type of the all-jet engines because it has no moving parts. Figure 6.10 shows a typical arrangement of the parts of a ramjet engine. Note that it may have an internal body that serves to compress the air as it enters the intake.

operation The spray bar injects a mist of fuel into the airstream and the mixture is ignited by a spark. The grill-type flame holder provides a type of barrier to the burning mixture while allowing hot, expanding gases to escape through the exhaust nozzle. The highpressure air coming into the combustion chamber keeps the burning mixture from effectively reacting toward the intake end of the engine. Ramjets will not function until enough air is coming through the intake to create a high-pressure flow. Otherwise, the expanding gases of the burning fuel-air mixture would be expelled from both ends of the engine. As you can see, this would amount to a single explosive reaction. Therefore, the ramjet has to be traveling through the air very fast before it is started. This means that it has to be boosted to the proper speed by some other type of engine. In theory, the ramjet engine has no maximum speed; it can keep accelerating indefinitely as long as it stays within the atmosphere. In practice, the ramjet is limited, at this time, to low hypersonic speeds (five times the speed of sound) because atmospheric friction will melt it. The biggest drawback of the ramjet is its high rate of fuel consumption.

The Ramjets Design

Liquid Propellant Ramjet Profile

Solid Propellant Ramjet Profile

Performance and control

Ramjets have been run from as low as 45 m/s (162 km/h)[8] upwards. Below about Mach 0.5 they give little thrust and are highly inefficient due to their low pressure ratios. Above this speed, given sufficient initial flight velocity, a ramjet will be self-sustaining. Indeed, unless the vehicle drag is extremely high, the engine/airframe combination will tend to accelerate to higher and higher flight speeds, substantially increasing the air intake temperature. As this could have a detrimental effect on the integrity of the engine and/or airframe, the fuel control system must reduce engine fuel flow to stabilize the flight Mach number and, thereby, air intake temperature to reasonable levels. Due to the stoichiometric combustion temperature, efficiency is usually good at high speeds (Mach 2-3), whereas at low speeds the relatively poor compression ratio means that ramjets are outperformed by turbojets or even rockets

Inlet Area of a Ramjet Engine In order to compute the inlet area of a Ramjet Engine we assume that the ramjet engine is being operated at standard sea-level conditions.

A rocket engine, or simply "rocket, " is a jet engine[1] that uses only propellant mass for forming its high speed propulsive jet. Rocket engines are reaction engines and obtain thrust in accordance with Newton's third law. Since they need no external material to form their jet, rocket engines can be used for spacecraft propulsion as well as terrestrial uses, such as missiles. Most rocket engines are internal combustion engines, although non combusting forms also exist. Rocket engines as a group have the highest exhaust velocities, are by far the lightest, and are the least energy efficient of all types of jet engines

A solid rocket motor.

Solid rocket propellants are prepared as a mixture of fuel and oxidizing components called 'grain' and the propellant storage casing effectively becomes the combustion chamber. Liquid-fueled rockets typically pump separate fuel and oxidiser components into the combustion chamber, where they mix and burn. Hybrid rocket engines use a combination of solid and liquid or gaseous propellants. Both liquid and hybrid rockets use injectors to introduce the propellant into the chamber. These are often an array of simple jets- holes through which the propellant escapes under pressure; but sometimes may be more complex spray nozzles. When two or more propellants are injected the jets usually deliberately collide the propellants as this breaks up the flow into smaller droplets that burn more easily.

Rocket nozzles

Rocket engine nozzle

Typical temperatures (T) and pressures (p) and speeds (v) in a De Laval Nozzle
The large bell or cone shaped expansion nozzle gives a rocket engine its characteristic shape. In rockets the hot gas produced in the combustion chamber is permitted to escape from the combustion chamber through an opening (the "throat"), within a high expansion-ratio 'de Laval' nozzle. Provided sufficient pressure is provided to the nozzle (about 2.5-3x above ambient pressure) the nozzle chokes and a supersonic jet is formed, dramatically accelerating the gas, converting most of the thermal energy into kinetic energy. The exhaust speeds vary, depending on the expansion ratio the nozzle is designed to give, but exhaust speeds as high as ten times the speed of sound of sea level air are not uncommon.

Rocket thrust is caused by pressures acting in the combustion chamber and nozzle. From Newton's third law, equal and opposite pressures act on the exhaust, and this accelerates it to high speeds.
About half of the rocket engine's thrust comes from the unbalanced pressures inside the combustion chamber and the rest comes from the pressures acting against the inside of the nozzle (see diagram). As the gas expands (adiabatically) the pressure against the nozzle's walls forces the rocket engine in one direction while accelerating the gas in the other.

A model rocket engine provides the thrust necessary to elevate the rocket off the ground. Most model rocket engines also contain a parachute that pops out after a time delay, allowing the rocket to land without incurring damage. Estes engines are the industry standard and are distinguished by an alphanumeric code indicating their size, power and parachute ejection delay. Parts A model rocket engine contains five essential parts. The clay nozzle allows exhaust to exit the engine. Propellant provides thrusting power. The ejection charge forces off the clay cap on top of the engine, deploying the parachute. A delay charge is situated between the propellant and ejection charge to give the rocket time to reach its peak altitude before deploying the parachute. Operation A model rocket engine will provide enough thrust to propel the rocket between 100 and 1,500 feet in the air depending on the engine type. The engine's thrust profile tells you the change in thrust force over time. An Estes B6-4 model rocket engine will provide thrust for the first 0.8 seconds of launch, peaking at 13 newtons at 0.25 seconds and stabilizing at approximately 5 newtons until propellant burnout. Types Estes model rocket engines are labeled with a letter and two numbers. The letter ranges from A (smallest) through E (largest). An "E" engine will fit only in certain types of rockets. The first number indicates thrust power of the propellant. A 1-oz. model rocket with an A6 engine will reach an altitude of about 200 feet. The same rocket with a B6 engine will reach an altitude of about 750 feet. The second number tells you the time delay between ignition and the deployment of the parachute.

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