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Voice/Unvoiced Decision using LPC based Models

Students: Aviv Portal , Gilad Cohen. Supervisors: Dr Shlomo Greenberg , Etan Fisher.

we often consider the sound to be a composite phenomenon , being made up of several distinguishable components. As such , it is often desirable to sepreate a given sound into some set of constituent components. The components can be categorized in various ways , often based on perceptual differences, One such perceptual category is that of pitched versus unpitched or in other words , voice and unvoiced components. The voiced one include the sounds which have fundamental frequency (pitch) and therefore harmonic shape , and the unvoiced which include the rest sounds with no fundamental frequency (unpitched). The decision between the voiced and unvoiced components can be done in various ways. During the past years a number of voiced/unvoiced classification methods have been proposed, each having decision measures in different domains. The measures are categorized into two types: time-domain measures and frequency-domain measures.The former includes measures based on the autocorrelation function, the average magnitude difference function (AMDF), and their combinations. The latter includes cepstrum coefficients, fundamentalness, and the instantaneous frequency (IF) amplitude spectrum. Zero-crossing rates and signal power are also used for V/UV classification. The main goal of each one of the voiced/unvoiced or pitch detection is bring it to use in implementations of the real world. The Voiced/Unvoiced Decision with the Pitch Detection is used in several applications such as the vocoders and specifically those exist in each cellular phone and allow voice compression , another applications in real time include systems for speech recognition and source separation. The pitch Detection has also been used in applications like music denoising and realization between different instruments. That imply that each algorithm should be tested for it capabilities and efficency in real time workspace. Therefore we present here implementation to new algorithm which is not just more precise compare to another algorithms with big advantage especially in noisy conditions , but also show very good performance results under the real time restrictions.

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