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Presented by: KANTILAL KAMBLE (B - 96)

Name of article:

Stress at Work Source of article: ement.htm

Tips to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress

In This Article: Coping with work stress
Warning signs Taking care of yourself

Prioritizing and organizing

Improving emotional intelligence Breaking bad habits

What managers or employers can do

Related links

Coping with work stress in todays uncertain climate

You can learn how to manage job stress
Taking responsibility Avoiding pitfall Learning better communication skills

Tip 1: Recognize warning signs of excessive stress at work

Signs and symptoms of excessive job and workplace

Common causes of excessive workplace stress

Tip 2: Reduce job stress by taking care of yourself

Get moving Make food choices that keep you going

Drink alcohol in moderation and avoid nicotine

Get enough sleep

Tip 3: Reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing

Time management tips for reducing job stress Create a balanced schedule Dont over-commit yourself Try to leave earlier in the morning Plan regular breaks Task management tips for reducing job stress Prioritize tasks Break projects into small steps Delegate responsibility Be willing to compromise

Tip 4: Reduce job stress by improving emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence in the workplace:
Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship management

The five key skills of emotional intelligence

Realize when youre stressed Stay connected to your internal emotional experience

Recognize and effectively use the nonverbal cues

Develop the capacity to meet challenges with humor Resolve conflict positively

Tip 5: Reduce job stress by breaking bad habits

Eliminate self-defeating behaviors Resist perfectionism Clean up your act Flip your negative thinking Dont try to control the uncontrollable Five Ways to Dispel Stress Take time away Talk it over with someone Connect with others at work Look for humor in the situation

Tip 6: Learn how managers or employers can reduce job stress

Improve communication
Consult your employees Cultivate a friendly social climate

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