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The First Americans(Amerindians-Tainos and Kalinagos) Crafts

Pottery was made from local red, brown and grey clays. The potters wheel was unknown. Pots were not glazed buy were decorated with markings different for each village. They were decorated with fanciful shapes of frogs, birds or heads with wide eyes and large ears to serve as handles. The Kalinagos were better potters than the Tainos and gave their pots a rim at the top to add strength and make pouring easier. They also made pots from several layers of clays and then cut patterns through the layers to give their designs different colours. The more elaborate pots were used as funeral urns for holding ancestors bones or placing food into the grave.

Tools were made from wood, stone, bone and shell. To make baskets, fish traps and lobster pots, wood was soaked and split into supple strips. The Tainos were excellent basket weavers. A basket for carrying water was made by double weaving wood and leaves

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