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Financial Accounting (FFA)

Financial reporting

Accounting process

Financial Reporting

Definition of Financial Reporting

A way of recording, analysing and summarising financial data. Formal record of the financial activities of a business, person or other entity.

All the relevant financial information , presented in a structured manner and in a form easy to understand are called financial reporting.
The whole set of statement that needs to be prepared by accountants.

Accounting Process

Definition of Accounting Process

Also known as Accounting Cycle. Based on the Oxford dictionary of Accounting, accounting cycle is the sequence of steps in accounting for a financial transaction entered into by an organization. It is also known as accounting cycle as the process is repeated in each accounting period.

Steps in the accounting cycle

Prepare afterclosing trial balance

Identifying transaction

Closing entries

Analyzing transaction

Prepare financial statement

Accounting Cycle

Journal entries

Prepare adjusted trial balance

Posting to ledger

Adjusting entries

Prepare trial balance

Identify transaction
Identify the transactions and prepare source documents.

Analyze transaction
Determine the transaction amount which accounts are affected and in which direction.

Journal entries
The transaction is recorded in the journal as a debit and a credit.

Adjusting entries
Are made for accrued and deferred items. The entries are journalized and posted to the T-accounts in the ledger.

Prepare trial balance

A trial balance is calculated to verify that the sum of debit is equal to the sum of credit.

Posting to ledger
The journal entries are transferred to the appropriate T-accounts in the ledger.

Adjusted trial balance

A new trial balance is calculated after making the adjusting entries.

Financial statements
The financial statements are prepared. Income statement Statement Of Financial Position

Closing entries
Transfer the balances of the temporary accounts (e.g revenues and expenses to owners equity)

After closing trial balance

A final trial balance is calculated after the closing entries are made.

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