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Water Pollution

How is it Possible?
Presented by: Group

Our Observations
Polluted water: 1. Its DIRTY Many years ago, our bodies of water like the Pasig River were clean. There were plenty of fish, shrimps, clams, and fresh water clamps living in our waters. People use to bathe and wash clothes in our river. These were also used for traveling and transporting goods. But our waters now have become DIRTY.

Our Observations
Polluted water: 2. It has harmful effect In our community, more amount of chemicals are dumped into bodies of water. These chemicals may contain poison that can kill water plants, fishes, shells, and other water animals.

Our Observations
Polluted water: 3. Health Problems When the water supply is not enough for a big population, the people may not be able to clean their homes and surroundings. These may result in poor hygiene which can cause poor health conditions. Polluted brings certain diseases.

How did our waters became Polluted?

As the water of the streams and rivers flow on the surface of the earth, some materials are carried with it. People throw garbage, dead animals, and human waste into the river. Factories built along the rivers dump their chemical wastes into the river. These materials pollute our water. Polluted water has dark and muddy color. It has unpleasant odor.

What happens if people use polluted water for drinking, bathing, or washing?
Polluted water may contain germs that cause diseases. People who will drink these may get sick of stomachache, diarrhea, typhoid, or dysentery. People who swim or wash their bodies in a polluted sea or a river may have skin allergy. Their eyes may get irritated.

What can we do about it?

Dispose your garbage properly. Bury dead animals. Dont throw them into the river. Report factories that dump chemical wastes into the rivers Participate in campaigns against water pollution

The End

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