Year 12 Media Studies Introductory Assignment 2011

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YEAR 12 MEDIA STUDIES INTRODUCTORY ASSIGNMENT Name: _____________________________ Due: Friday 30th September 2011

CAMERA ANGLES AND EDITING Take a screenshot from one or more of the films on the K drive, or from a video on You Tube and insert it into the table below. Explain why it was used at this point. Make the screenshots by watching the programme in VLC Media Player, then go Video Snapshot. The picture will be saved in your my Pictures folder. Just drag it into the table. Camera Angle Extreme close up Close up Medium/two shot Establishing shot Screenshot Why is it used here

Dutch angle High angle Low angle Eyeline match 180 degree rule (you will need more than 1 screenshot for this one! Panning (more than 1 shot Tracking (more than 1 shot)

SOUND 1. What is the difference between diegetic and non-diegetic sound? Write an explanation and then use examples by pasting in the YouTube URL of the example clip below: The difference between Diegetic and non-diegetic sound:

Example of Diegetic Sound:

Example of Non Diegetic Sound:

2. Watch the following clip and explain how the sound creates meaning. You should use the key words of Key, Speed, Rhythm, Style and Lyrics. Psycho Shower Scene:

GENRE Explain the difference between Major, Sub and Hybrid genre and back your ideas up with an example of a clip from You Tube (including the name of the film, date it was released and why it fits into that genre). A Major genre is:

A Sub Genre is:

A Hybrid genre is:

MISE-EN-SCENE Analyse the mise-en-scene of the clip below. You should discuss costumes, makeup, lighting, body language, framing and editing. This analysis should be at least a page of A4!!! Scream opening:

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