Questionnaire FaLL 2011

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A)General information: Name / Date of Birth..

E-mail address Cell Phone #.......................Laptop or Ipad?........... When did you arrive in the U.S.? Native Language B)Tell me more about yourself: 1.My major is Undergraduate /Graduate student? (Circle one) 2.My career goal is 3. One thing I am very interested in is 4.One of the things I love to do in my free time is 5.My favorite English song is 6.The most difficult thing for me about speaking English is..... . 7. The most difficult thing for me about listening in English is . C)Tell me even more about yourself: Write down three unusual or unique things from your past. It can be anything at all; an interesting place you have visited, an interesting person you have met, an interesting and unique thing you have done or accomplished, or a unique or difficult challenge you have overcome: 1.. 2.. 3
CW POST English Language Transition Program Speaking and Listening/Fall 2011 Susan Levy- Instructor

Do you live on campus?............

How long have you studied English?.

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