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Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) reviews for money and falsifies the scientific researches ---------------------------------------------------From this site: Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) reviews for money and falsifies the scientific researches Politicians and research managers erroneously believe that the scientific value of the research resides in the quantity of scientific publications and the number of quotations. These two grades, incidental to the scientific research, are quantified by the factor called of impact pushed forward by a trade company from Philadelphia-USA, namely ISI Thomson, which allegedly based its theories on a hypothetical science named scientometrics! In fact ISI makes publicity commissioned by publishing houses and interested institutes of scientific research and taking advantage on this occasion, also an unrequested publicity for many researchers By this commercial activity ISI falsifies the relevance of scientific researches, and confectionates, manipulates and distorts the public image of the researchers and of the scientific results. In developed countries, ISI, the impact factor and scientometrics are actually scarcely employed, and solely as a benchmark and a questionable one for effectiveness and costs in scientific research Unfortunately not many people have a good opinion about ISI. Most of the people consider that this ISI is an attempt to manipulate the global information making favoritism to a few western country researchers and ideas, while ignoring and boycotting against Muslim, third world countries and other "rogue" countries researchers and cultures. I never heard of this ISI impact factor, but it looks that it is very biased (that's why it was set up: to give advantage to western researchers and their ideas...). It leads to a global totalitarianism in information...

It is a pity that even today democracy is entangled...

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