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Name:____________________ Week Of: _________________ Genre of the Month: ____________________________ Weekly Reading Goal: 100 minutes


Title(s) and Author(s)



Minutes Read

SundaySaturday &





Parent Signature: ____________________________________

Total Time Read This Week: _________ minutes Directions: Please read 100 minutes each week and log in your information. You may divide up the 100 minutes however you choose. W.E.B. Logs will be collected at the end of each week. You must have an adults signature (Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa.....) on the log for it to be valid. Each month will feature a different Genre of the Month. You are encouraged to explore reading materials from a variety of genres throughout the school year. However, if you read at least one piece from the featured genre of the month, you will earn a bonus prize or reward at the end of the month. W.E.B. Reading Goals: 100 minutes (weekly)
Non-Fiction Genres I= Informational B= Biography AB= Autobiography Genre Abbreviation Guide Fiction Genres RF= Realistic Fiction FA= Fantasy HF= Historical Fiction M= Mystery SF= Science Fiction TL=Traditional Literature Other P= Poetry O= Other

Reading Type Abbreviation Guide B= Book M= Magazine N= Newspaper O= Other

Happy Reading!

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